List 111: Selection of books on view at the Amsterdam Bookfair 2024.
Spinozana, Judaica, Holocaust, Oriëntalia
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1. [SPINOZA]. - B.d.S. Opera Posthuma, quorum series post praefationem exhibetur.
No place, [Amsterdam, J. Rieuwertsz], 1677. 4to.Contemporary blind-stamped interlaced vellum, red spickled edges. manuscript title on spine, stained (especially backcover).(40),614,(34),112, (8 index and erratum) pp. Inkstain on verso title and p. 3. Some dampstaining , first pages soiled around fore-edge. EUR 10,900.--
~From the library of Heribert Boeder, small bookplate inner frontcover. The posthumous works contain all of Spinoza's unpublished works: Ethica, Politica, Tractatus de Intellectus Emendatione, Epistolae, Compendium grammaticae linguae Hebraeae.. Contains also a Latin translation by Lodewijk Meyer of Jarig Jelles' preface from the Dutch edition.The manuscripts of these works had been removed from Spinoza's room and sent to Amsterdam shortly before his death. They were edited by Jarig Jelles and published soon afterwards by J. Rieuwertsz, without any references to the publisher or place of print. Already in June 1678 the book was banned by the States of Holland. Van der Linde 22; Kingma-Offenberg 24. Bamberger 695
2. SPINOZA - Gorter. - Ethica van Benedictus de Spinoza. Vertaald door H. Gorter.
's Gravenhage, Loman en Funke, 1895. Orig. blue paper wrappers, sewn, foxed, slightly discolored, tiny piece paper frontwrapper missing.(VIII), 288 pp. Ruff edges, as issued. Some slight foxing in the first pages. Very good copy. EUR 200.--
~First and only edition. Rare dutch translation by the poet Herman Gorter.
3. SPINOZA. - Nachbildung der im Jahre 1902 noch erhaltenen eigenhändigen Briefe des Benedictus D'Espinoza. Herausgegeben von W. Meijer, Im Haag.
s Gravenhage, Mouton, 1903. Custom made cloth box (not original). Name previous owner inner frontcover. A few stains on the backcover. First leaf browned. Letters in excellent condition. EUR 650.--
~Facsimile edition with 13 letters to a.o. Leibniz, Oldenburg, Lodewijk Meijer and Graevius incl. one titlepage of the TTP with extensive author's dedication to J.S. Klefmann. With transcriptions, translations in Dutch, German and English (from Latin and Dutch) and a comment in German. Printed in a limited and numbered edition on handmade paper by Van Gelder Zonen, the facsimiles in colour on different papers. Copy 186
4. WITTICH, CHRISTOPH. - Anti-Spinoza Sive Examen Ethices Benedicti de Spinoza, Et Commentarius de Deo Et ejus attributis.
Amstelaedami, Apud Johannem Wolters, 1690. 4to. Later boards covered with decorated paper, red and gilt title-piece, red edges. Slight wear to spine and edges of the boards.[12], 424 pp. Misbound: The leaf **3 with the text "Examen Ethices" is inserted after A3; title-page printed in red and black; small (name-) piece lacking from first flyleaf, a few minor small defects. Good copy. EUR 2,300.--
~This book, appearing three years after Wittich's death in 1687, conveyed a first-hand thorough knowledge of Spinoza's books and letters. Wittich's contemporaries accused him, who knew Spinoza personally, of having written his 'Anti-Spinoza' as a defense of Spinoza in the guise of a refutation (Bamberger 83). The text is concluded with two letters, an anonymous letter to Wittich and his reply. The anonymous letter was written by the Spinozist Frederik van Leenhof and published without his consent. Van der Linde 384. Wolf 753
5. LA PEYRERE, ISAAC (1594-1676). - Praeadamitae sive Exercitatio super Versibus duodecimo, decimotertio & decimoquarto capitis quinti Epistolae D. Pauli ad Romanos. Quibus inducuntur Primi Homines ante Adamum conditi. Anno Salutis 1655 [And 2nd part] Systema Theologicum ex Prae-adamitarum Hypothesi. Pars prima. Anno Salutis 1655. [And final section, called]: Synagogis Iudaeorum universis (8 pp.).
[Amsterdam], [Elzevir], 1655. 4to. Contemp. vellum, slighty soiled, especially the spine.(4), 52, (16), 297,[1 blanc], 8 pp. And [1] leave with engraved map of the Terra Sanctae. Pastdown and flyleaf with old owners names in ink. Inkstain on first blanc. Small piece lacking from uppercorner title. EUR 3,300.--
~First edition. Rare quarto edition which preceded the 12mo of the same year. Isaac La Peyrère, French theologian possibly of Marrano background, published in 1643 anonymously Du rappel des Juifs, a philosemitic work which was influential in the millenarian circle of Menasseh ben Israel. In 1642/43 he wrote Praeadamitae, which already contained much of the biblical criticism of Spinoza's Tractatus theologico-politicus. This work remained unpublished until he met in Brussels Queen Christina of Sweden, who urged him to go to Holland and to publish the work on her expenses. When La Peyrère arrived with the manuscript "he fell into a crowd of publishers", who wanted to publish the work. In 1655 five editions were published, three of which by Elzevir (see next item). Though published anonymously, the authorship was easily recognized. Condemnations and refutations began to appear shortly. In the Dutch Republic selling or publishing was prohibited. In 1656 the Prae-Adamitae was publicly burned in Paris. See R.H. Popkin, Isaac la Peyrère (1987), p. 13-14. Fürst Bibliotheca Judaica III, p. 81. A copy of this first edition was in the library of Spinoza. Inventory 4to, nr. 28 states: `Praeadamitae. 1655'. Wolf 547. Catalogus Spinozahuis nr. 111. Knuttel, Verboden boeken 318.
6. SHIKMONI, G.H. (Pseudonym) - EINSTEIN. - Humanistisches Judentum. Erbe und Aufgabe. Ein Essay. Geleitwort von Albert Einstein (Princeton, NJ, nov. 1943).
Mount Carmel, published by the author, 1948. Orig. wrappers, corners damaged, 2 cornerpieces lacking, a few tears. [5], 25 leaves stencilled, text on one side. Foxing in the first and last pages. Title browned. EUR 900.--
~Exilarchiv 5447. `Stencilled in Palestine by C. Ullmann, Haifa, 11, Ahad Haam St.'
7. [REUCHLIN] - Composite volume in 17th Century vellum, containing 7 post-incunabula pamphlets published 1514-1520, with many (contemporary) handwritten annotations and additons. At the end a decree of Pope Leo X concerned with ecclesiastical reforms, emanated apparently during the ninth session of the fifth council of Lateran, dated Rome, 1514.
EUR 7,000.--
~Handwriting on the back of the binding: Epistola Philelphi 248. Handwriting on one of the free endpapers: Ex Libris Gerardi Johannis.
The book was sold at an auction of Christies, June 1990 as part of a collection Reuchliniana Judaica et Hebraica: `The property of Johannes Reuchlin's direct descendant'. `Descendant' refers to a family of scholars descending from Dionysius Reuchlin, the brother of Johannes. Some members of this family are still living in Holland.
A detailed description available on request.
8. REUCHLIN, JOHANN. - Defensio Joannis Reuchlin Phorcensis LL. Doctoris contra calumniatores suos Colonienses.
Tübingen, Thomas Anselmus, 1514. Modern leather, new endpapers.[54] leaves (final leave blank) Some use of Greek and Hebrew type. Woodcut mark at the end. First 3 leaves of the text with underlinings and a few marks (unobtrusive). some slight dampstaining from the upper-edge downwards, a few tiny wormholes. Short upper-margin in a few places. A good copy. EUR 2,800.--
~2nd enl. ed. (of only 2 : 1st 1513, 40 ff.). "I know my enemies have been vexed because I said the Jews are our fellow citizens. Now I want them to rage even more in anger (...) because I am saying that the Jews are our brothers". Reuchlin wrote "Defensio" in defense of accusations against him for his advocacy of Hebrew studies. With the help of well-placed friends, Reuchlin managed to offer his defence to the Emperor Maximilian in person. In spite of the personal presentation, the Dominicans of Cologne nevertheless obtained a mandate from Maximilian on 9 July 1513 to have the Defensio confiscated. It did not deter Reuchlin from bringing out a second edition the next year. Benzing (Reuchlin) 97. Kohler (Flugschriften) 3872. Kuczynski 2282. Adams R-387.
9. REUCHLIN, JOHAN. - Clarorum virorum epistolae latinae graecae & hebraicae uariis temporibus missae ad Ioannem Reuchlin Phorcensem LL. doctorem.
Tübingen, Thomas Anselmus, 1514. Modern leather, new endpapers.# A number of passages in Greek or Hebrew. Woodcut mark at the end.Small 4to [52] leaves. Dampstaining from the upper-edge downwards, scattered small wormholes. Inner margin of first 3 leaves reinforced. EUR 1,800.--
~1st ed. (2nd 1519) of an important collection of letters and verses written to Reuchlin and 5 letters by Reuchlin. Among the correspondents: Agricola, A. Manutius and Ph. Melanchthon. The publication of these letters, published shortly after the Defensio, was intended to show that Reuchlin was a great humanist, much appreciated by his colleagues. Benzing (Reuchlin) 136. Adams E-273.
10. FRANK, ANNE. - Het Achterhuis. Dagboekbrieven van 12 Juni 1942 - 1 Augustus 1944. Met een woord vooraf door Annie Romein-Verschoor.
Amsterdam, uitgeverij Contact, 1947, [June 1947]. Small 8vo. Orig. boards.IX,(1),253,(1) pp. Complete with the 5 plates. Very good copy. EUR 5,450.--
~Dutch. First edition, first printing.The original boards are, apart from the brown agestaining at the top, and spine, in remarkably good order with only a minor foldingmark in the spine. This copy is completely in the original state, without any restoration or alteration whatsoever, and without any marks from previous owners.
11. FRANK, ANNE. - Het Achterhuis. Dagboekbrieven van 12 Juni 1942 - 1 Augustus 1944. Met een woord vooraf door Annie Romein-Verschoor.
Amsterdam, uitgeverij Contact, 1947, [June 1947]. 8vo. Orig. boards, backstrip browned and slightly worn. Small rubbed spot on frontcover. X, 254 pp. with 5 plates. Titlepage professionally repaired (written report available). EUR 3,300.--
~First edition, first printing. The title of this copy was detached and temporarily mended with tape. Eventually restored by a skilled professional bookbinder. Traces of tape are still slightly visible. The textblock itself is in very good condition. No name, stamp, annotations or other traces of use.
12. ANNE FRANK. - DE NIEUWE STEM Jaargang 1. [Year 1, CONTAINING:] Fragmenten uit het Dagboek van Anne Frank (6th issue, pp. 431-42)..
Arnhem, Van Loghum Slaterus, 1946. Bound in the original cloth binding designed for the year.New endpapers. Spine age-browned. Minor foxing. A very well preserved copy. EUR 700.--
~First publication of any part from Anne Frank's diaries (preceding Het Achterhuis). Initially the father of Anne, Otto Frank, had difficulties finding a publisher for the diaries. A typed copy came into the hands of Jan Romein, a professor of modern history. Jan Romein acknowledged the importance of this document and arranged for publication of excerpts from it in the newly founded social humanistic journal: De Nieuwe Stem. In June 1947 Het Achterhuis was published.
13. [Famous 17th Cent. Jewish-Christian Bible] - LEUSDEN, JOHANNES (ed.). - Torah, Nevi'im u-Ketuvim. Biblia Hebraica Accuratissima, Notis Hebraïcis et Lemmatibus Latinis illustrata.
Amstelodami, Typis et sumptibus Josephi Athias., 1667. 8vo (21,5x14 cm). Halfleather with corners (18th century?), red morocco letter-piece, paper-covered boards, red edges. Boards rubbed and worn. [XIX],178,508, [2] leaves. With engr. title and 3 woodcut half-titles; With many old owner's entries (probably made in 1687) in margins. 10 pages age-stained, scattered browning, slight dampstaining in margins in parts. Last 2 lvs repaired. EUR 450.--
~Darlow & Moule 5134. Fuks, Hebrew Typography 2, 393, Offenberg St Ros I p.46/7 (see also p. 40/1). The present copy contains the Judicum of Christianus Schotanus (leaf C8), which was left out in some copies. The m.s. annotations include many numerals in margins. Many of the marginal annotations are cut, which means that the book has been rebound after the annotations have been made. More pictures will be sent upon request. "In 1667, at the height of the Dutch Golden Age, a groundbreaking Hebrew Bible was published in Amsterdam. It was edited by the Dutch Calvinist professor Johannes Leusden in collaboration with Jewish scholars printed by the Sephardi exile Joseph Athias. This edition became the standard text for many subsequent editions of the 18th and 19th century. "Its success in part due to the remarkable confluence of Christian and Jewish anxieties about the accuracy of the sacred text in the decade between the excommunication of Spinoza and the apostasy of the Messiah Sabbatai Zevi." (Theodor Dunkelgrün, "Never Printed Like This Before', Amsterdam, 2014).
14. [Judaica - Napoleonica - Italian] - TAMA, DIOGENE. - Raccolta degli atti dell' Assemblea degli Israeliti di Francia e dell Regno d'Italia, convocata a Parigi con Decreto di S.M. I. e R. del 30. maggio 1806. Seguita dai processi verbali e decisioni del Gran Sinedrio.
Milano, Stamperia e Fonderia di G.G. Destefanis, 1807. 8vo. Contemp. halfvellum, slightly soiled, damaged titlelabel. Boards covered with decorative paper. New endpapers. 316, 116 pp. 21,5 cm. Some wormholes in the margin of the first 22 pages. Inkstain on title. Some minor brown age-staining. A good copy. EUR 500.--
~First edition. On May 30 1806, in view of rising anti-Semitism in Alsace-Lorraine, Napoleon Bonaparte convened wealthy Jewish persons, rabbis and public figures in France and Italy. A dozen questions were presented to the audience, which were meant to assess the attitude of Jews towards the French nation and in particular to examine whether there is a discrepancy between the Jewish religion and French Law. A "Paris Sanhedrin" approved of the convention's answers and validated the decisions. Szajkowski, Judaica-Napoleonica, nr.66, mentioning 4 additional pages with advertisements at the end (not present in our copy).
15. TAMA, DIOGENE. - Raccolta degli atti dell' Assamblea degli Israeliti di Francia e dell Regno d'Italia, convocata a Parigi con Decreto di S.M. I. e R. del 30. maggio 1806. Seguita dai processi verbali e decisioni del Gran Sinedrio. 3 parts in 1 vol.
Livorno, Presso Pietro Meucci, 1807. 24mo. 15,5 cm. Contemp. halfleather, spine and edges worn. Spickled edges. 272, 237, 148 pp. Internally very good. EUR 550.--
~Same text as item above, but this is the much more rare 24mo edition, containing an extra part: Supplemento agli atti del Gran Sinedrio Ebraico" (pp.91-148) Szajkowski, Judaica-Napoleonica, nr.67.
16. FROMER, JAKOB (transl. - JOSEPH BUDKO (illustr.). - Der Babylonische Talmud in Auswahl. Folio edition.
Berlin, Brandus, no year (1924). Folio (35x27 cm). Orig cloth with gilt decoration, slightly worn, spine damaged. 169,[2] pp. Ornamented double-page frontispiece and title, five decorative divisional title pages and elaborately illuminated initials all elaborately executed in colour, by Joseph Budko. EUR 500.--
~Vorzugsausgabe. Luxe edition on hand-made paper.
17. Sifrei Yiddish Be-Berit Ha-Moatsot. Yidishe shraybers in ratn-farband. Facsimile edition of 11 publications of different sizes by the Hebrew University of Jerusalem 1983. In portfolio.
1983. EUR 250.--
~Avant-garde Yiddish booklets. Detailed list available upon request. Authors a.o. David Bergelson, Perets Markish, Yitzhak (Itzik) Kipnis. Illustrations by a.o. Chagall and Issachar Ryback.
18. [Hebrew Primer] - Safah Hayah [...]. Tenth revised edition, newly composed. [English cover:] Living Tongue: (Sopho Chayo). The Illustrated Hebrew Instructor.
New York, The Hebrew Publishing Company, 1905. Orig. boards with cloth spine, loose, slight staining and wear. 97 pp. Library-stamp and paper label on frontcover. Internally clean and well preserved. EUR 120.--
~Hebrew primer. English text on back-cover: A class-Book for the instruction of jewish children in Hebrew reading and spelling according to the phonetical method. Revised, reset and improved. According to the work of P.L. Fischman & M.M. Liebermann.
19. [Turkish Grammar with extra leaf printed in gold (Perso-Arabic script)] DAVIDS, ARTHUR LUMLEY. - Kitab al-'alim al-nani' fi tahsil sarf wa nahu turki. Grammaire Turke: précédée d'un Discours Préliminaire sur la Langue et la Littérature des Nations Orientales; avec un Vocabulaire volumineux, des dialogues, un recueil d'extraits en prose et en vers, et enrichie de plusieurs planches lithograpiques extraites de manuscrits anciens et modernes. Traduite de l'Anglais par Madame Sarah Davids, mère de l'auteur.
A Londres, A Paris, A Bourdeaux., W. H. Allen, John Taylor, Hatchard, W. Straker, Black and Armstrong; Mme. Dondey Dupré; Lawalle Neveu., 1836. 4to. Modern black cloth, new endpapers, all edges gilt. X,(6),LXXIX, 214.(2) pp. With dedication printed in gold on green paper and and 5 leaves of lithographic plates (incl. 1 with Uyghur alphabet). EUR 500.--
~Famous Turkish grammar by Arthur Lumley Davids (1811-32), an English orientalist/linguist and translated into French by his mother Sarah Davids. Deluxe copy with dedication to Sultan Mahmud Kahn printed in gold on green paper in Ottoman Turkish. Contains also a printed dedication to Louis Philippe, roi de France, this leaf with a stamped number. Endpapers with some weak foxing spots, otherwise internally a very good copy.
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