Antiquariaat Spinoza Amsterdam

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1-2 Facsimile text-editions
3-27 Latin, 17th century Dutch, Bilingual text-editions
28-40 Dutch translations
41-55 English translations
56-60 German translations
61-63 French translations
64-69 Spanish translations
70-72 Italian translations
73-74 Series
75-328 Monographs and collective works
329-354 Related Seventeenth Century-authors, modern studies and reprints
355-377 Reference works and sources

Facsimile text-editions

1. Opera Posthuma. Amsterdam 1677. Riproduzione fotografica integrale. Complete photographic reproduction. Edited by Pina Totaro. Preface in Italian and English by Filippo Mignini.
Macerata, Quodlibet, 2008. Cloth in carton box. LXII, 808 pp. New. EUR 87.--
~Facsimile edition of the Opera Posthuma.

2. Brief van Spinoza aan Lodewijk Meijer 26 juli 1663. Ed. by A.K. Offenberg.
Amsterdam, 1975. Orig. wraps. 28 pp. Fine copy. EUR 25.--
~Facsimile edition of letter (1 page) of Spinoza to Lodewijk Meijer, with the Latin text, Dutch translation and commentary. The letter was discovered in 1974. Limited edition of 250 copies.

Latin, 17th century Dutch, Bilingual text-editions
Chronological order

3. Korte verhandeling van God, de mensch en deszelfs welstand. Tractatuli deperditi. De deo et homine ejusque felicitate. Versio Belgica. Ad antiquisiimi codicis fidem edidit et praefatus est Car. Schaarschmidt.
Amsterdam, Frederik Muller, 1869. Orig. wrappers, worn, spine damaged, small pieces of paper lacking from the frontcover.XXXIV, 135 pp. and colour-lithograph of Spinoza. Unopened. Internally very good. EUR 130.--
~Second publication of this text, which was only recently discovered at the time. It is considered more accurately than the first edition by van Vloten. The Latin original has been lost. Text in 17th century Dutch with Latin introduction. Van der Linde, nr.51.

4. Opera quotquot reperta sunt. Recognoverunt J. van Vloten et J.P.N. Land. Editio tertia, 4 parts in 2 vols. Complete set of 2 volumes.
The Hague, 1914. Orig. halfcloth, slight traces of wear, Upper-edge yellow colored. (X) (II) 273, (VI) 331, (VI) 247, (VIII) (II) 249 pp. Slight foxing, mainly first pages and fore-edge. EUR 52.--
~Complete works in Latin. In this reprint the Compendium grammatices linguae hebraeae. has been omitted.

5. The political works. The Tractatus Theologico-Politicus in part and the Tractatus Politicus in full. Edited and translated with an introduction and notes by A.G. Wernham. 1958. Reprint.
Oxford, Oxford University Press, 1965. Orig. cloth. X, 463 pp. Small handwritten name and date on flyleaf. A very good copy. EUR 43.--
~Bilingual Latin - English.

6. Opera, Vol. 1 ONLY. Korte verhandeling van God de mensch en des zelfs welstand - Renati des Cartes principiorum philosophiae pars I & II - Cogitata Metaphysica - Compendium Grammatices Linguae Hebraeae. (Im Auftrag der Heidelberger Akademie der Wissenschaften herausgegeben von Carl Gebhardt). Zweite Auflage, unveränderte Nachdruck der Ausgabe von 1925.
Heidelberg, Carl Winters, 1972. Orig. cloth, spine discolored. 631 pp. Internally as new. EUR 70.--
~Vol. 1 of 4-vol set ed. by Carl Gebhardt. Latin texts with "Textgestaltung" in German.

7. Ethica. Éthique. Démontrée suivant l'ordre géometrique et divisée en cinq parties. Texte Latin, traduction nouvelle avec notice et notes par Charles Appuhn. 2 parts in 1 volume.
Paris, Vrin, 1977. Orig. red. hardcover. (VI) 432, (IV) 258 pp. Very good copy. EUR 85.--
~Ethique. Bilingual Latin - French on facing pages.

8. Ethica. Éthique. Démontrée suivant l'ordre géometrique et divisée en cinq parties. Texte Latin, traduction nouvelle avec notice et notes par Charles Appuhn. 2 parts in 1 volume. ISBN 9782711606900.
Paris, Vrin, 1983. Orig. wrappers, sewn. Spine creased. (VI) 432, (IV) 258 pp. EUR 40.--
~Bilingual Latin - French on facing pages.

9. [Tractatus Politicus]. Traité politique. Texte, traduction, introduction et notes par Sylvain Zac. 1968. Reprint. ISBN 9782711606894.
Paris, Vrin, 1987. Orig. wraps, slight traces of use. 269 pp. Stamp on first blanc. Pen-underlinings and -annotations. EUR 40.--
~Latin text with French translation. Pen-underlinings only in the first 87 pages, rest clean.

10. Ethica. Éthique (L'ordre philosophique). Texte original et traduction nouvelle par Bernard Pautrat. ISBN 9782020103626.
Paris, Editions du Seuil, 1988. Paperback, minor traces of wear. 542 pp. Minor yellowing around edge. Good copy. EUR 25.--
~Bilingual Latin - French

11. The way to wisdom. [Tractatus de intellectus emendatione]. Herman de Dijn. ISBN 9781557530820.
West Lafayette, Purdue University Press, 1996. Paperback. XII, 291 pp. EUR 43.--
~Latin Gebhardt-text with English translation by E. Curly on facing pages. With introduction, commentary and notes by Herman de Dijn.

12. Tractatus Theologico-Politicus. Traité théologico-politique. (Oeuvres III) Texte établi par Fokke Akkerman. Traduction et notes par Jacqueline Lagrée et Pierre-François Moreau.
Paris, Presses Universitaires de France, 1999. Softcover, softbound (sewn).862 pp. Fine copy. EUR 125.--
~First edition. The current standard critical text-edition. Latin-French.

13. Tractatus Theologico-Politicus. Traité théologico-politique. (Oeuvres III) Texte établi par Fokke Akkerman. Traduction et notes par Jacqueline Lagrée et Pierre-François Moreau. 1999. 2nd edition REPRINT ISBN 9782130594888.
Paris, Presses Universitaires de France PUF, 2012. Paperback. 862 pp. EUR 45.--
~The current standard critical text-edition. Latin-French.

14. Abhandlung über die Verbesserung des Verstandes. Tractatus de Intellectus Emendatione. Lateinisch-deutsch. Neu übersetzt, herausgegeben, mit Einleitung und mit Anmerkungen versehen von Wolfgang Bartuschat.Sämtliche Werke 5.1. 2. verb. Ausgabe. ISBN 9783787316434.
Hamburg, Felix Meiner Verlag, 2003. Softcover. XLIII, 122 pp. New. EUR 17.--
~Bilingual Latin - German

15. Premiers écrits (Oeuvres 1). Tractatus de intellectus emendatione - Korte verhandeling. Original texts with French translation. ISBN 9782130527183.
Paris, Presses Universitaires de France - PUF, 2009. Paperback. 478 pp. EUR 40.--
~The current standard critical text-edition. Introduction by Pierre-Francois Moreau. Tractatus de Intellectus Emendatione. Latin text ed. by Filippo Mignini, French translation by Michelle Beyssade. Korte Verhandeling. Dutch text, ed. by Filippo Mignini, French transl. by Joël Ganault.

16. Politischer Traktat - Tractatus Politicus. Lateinisch-deutsch. Neu übersetzt, eingeleitet und herausgegeben von Wolfgang Bartuschat. (PhB 95b). 2. verbesserte Aufl. ISBN 9783787319602..
Hamburg, Felix Meiner Verlag, 2010. Softcover. LII, 248 pp. New. EUR 25.--
~Für die vorliegende 2., durchgängig überarbeitete Auflage der Studienausgabe konnte jetzt die 2005 von Omero Prioetti herausgegebene kritische Neuausgabe des lateinischen Textes in Spinoza, Oeuvres, Bd. V herangezogen werden; sie bietet daher einen nochmals verbesserten Text.

17. Opera / Werke. Lateinisch und Deutsch. I. Tractatus Theologico-Politicus. Hrsg. von G. Gawlick und Fr. Niewöhner. II. Tractatus de intellectus emendatione. Ethica. Hrs. von K. Blumenstock. (Complete in 2 volumes). 2. Auflage der Sonderausgabe 2008. ISBN 9783534246625.
Darmstadt, Wissenschaftliche Buchgesellschaft, 2011. Hardcover. XVII,629; VIII, 565 pp. EUR 48.--
~Bilingual edition Latin - German.

18. Trattato Politico - Tractatus Politicus. Edizione critica del testo latino e traduzione italiana a cura di Paolo Cristofolini. Seconda edizione. ISBN 9788846727718.
Pisa, Ets, 2011. Softcover. 235 pp. New. EUR 20.--
~Bilingual edition Latin - Italian. Revised edition.

19. [Ethica]. The Vatican Manuscript of Spinoza's Ethica. Edited by Leen Spruit and Pina Totaro. (Brill's studies in intellectual history 205). ISBN 9789004209268.
Leiden/Boston, Brill, 2011. Hardcover. VI, 318 pp. New. EUR 140.--
~Transcription of the only surviving manuscript of the Ethica, recently discovered in the Vatican Library. Text in Latin. With introduction in English (60 pp.) and 3 appendices: I. Printed pages in `Vat. Lat. 12838'. II. Niels Stensen's denunciation of Spinoza's philosophy to the holy office. III. Fragment of Giovanni Cristoforo Batteli's `Censura' of Christian Kortholt, `De tribus impostoribus'. And Bibliography

20. Korte verhandeling van God, de mens en zijn welstand. Hertaald en van aantekeningen voorzien door Rikus Koops. Parallelle uitgave. ISBN 9789079578368.
Almere, Parthenon, 2012. Hardcover. 452 pp. EUR 57.--
~Bilingual edition. Original seventeenth century Dutch text and modern Dutch translation on facing pages. Preface by Wim Klever.

21. Korte verhandeling van God, de mens en zijn welstand. Hertaald en van aantekeningen voorzien door Rikus Koops. Parallelle uitgave. ISBN 9789079578351.
Almere, Parthenon, 2012. Softcover. 452 pp. EUR 40.--
~Bilingual edition. Original seventeenth century Dutch text and modern Dutch translation on facing pages. Preface by Wim Klever.

22. [Ethica] - Etica. Edizione critica del testo latino e traduzione italiana a cura di Paolo Cristofolini. 2010. Secunda edizione riveduta e aggiornata. ISBN 9788846738509.
Pisa, ETS, 2014. Paperback. 372 pp. New. EUR 30.--
~Bilingual edition. New critical Latin edition with new Italian translation. Second revised edition.

23. Tractatus Politicus. Traité politique (Oeuvres V). Texte établi par Omero Proietti. Traduction, introduction, notes, glossaires, index et bibliographie par Charles Ramond. Avec une notice de Pierre-Francois Moreau, et des notes d'Alexandre Matheron. 2005 2e tirage (second printing) ISBN 9782130527176.
Paris, Presses Universitaires de France - PUF, 2015. Paperback. 392 pp. EUR 39.--
~Standard critical text-edition. Latin-French.

24. [Ethica]. Ethik in geometrischer Ordnung dargestellt - Neu übersetzt, herausgegeben, mit einer Einleitung versehen von Wolfgang Bartuschat. Lateinisch - Deutsch. 4., durchgesehene Auflage.ISBN 9783787327959.
Hamburg, Felix Meiner Verlag, 2015. Paperback. XXXV, 612 pp. New. EUR 25.--
~Bilingual. Latin text with German translation

25. Ethica. Vertaald en ingeleid door Henri Krop. 9e druk. ISBN 9789035145122.
Amsterdam, Prometheus/Bert Bakker, 2017. Hardcover met stofomslag.628 pp. As new. EUR 50.--
~Bilingual. Latin text with Dutch translation. (revised edition, sixth, 2012). Hardcover edition is out-of-print

26. Ethica. Vertaald en ingeleid door Henri Krop. Tiende druk.
Amsterdam, Bert Bakker, 2020. Paperback. 628 pp. New. EUR 32.--
~Bilingual. Latin text with Dutch translation.

27. Ethica. Oeuvres IV - Éthique (Épimethée). Établissement du texte par Fokke Akkerman et Piet Steenbakkers. Introduction et notes par Pierre-François Moreau et Piet Steenbakkers, Avec annexes par Fabrice Audié, André Charrak et Pierre-François Moreau. Traduction par Pierre-François Moreau. ISBN 9782130811497.
Paris, PUF, 2020. Paperback. 696 pp. New. EUR 30.--
~Latin - French.The new critical edition from the Presses Universitaires de France! Le texte est établi en référence aux Opera posthuma de 1677, confrontées à la version néerlandaise parue en même temps dans les Nagelate Schriften et au manuscrit de 1675 découvert en 2010 dans les archives du Vatican.

Dutch translations
Chronological order

28. Gorter. - Ethica van Benedictus de Spinoza. Vertaald door H. Gorter.
's Gravenhage, Loman en Funke, 1895. Orig. blue paper wrappers, sewn, foxed, slightly discolored, tiny piece paper frontwrapper missing.(VIII), 288 pp. Ruff edges, as issued. Some slight foxing in the first pages. Very good copy. EUR 200.--
~First and only edition. Rare dutch translation by the poet Herman Gorter.

29. Akkerman e.a. - Korte Geschriften. Bezorgd door F. Akkerman, H.G. Hubbeling, F. Mignini, M.J. Petry, N. en G. van Suchtelen. ISBN 9789028414648.
Amsterdam, Wereldbibliotheek, 1982. Orig. linnen met stofomslag. Stofomslag met verkleurde rug en gebruiksporen.536 pp. and 2 plates. Lichte ouderdomsverkleuring langs de rand. EUR 35.--
~Out-of-print. Dutch translations 1. Rene Descartes, De beginselen van de wijsbegeerte. 2. Korte verhandeling van God, de mensch en deszelvs welstand. 3. Vertoog over de verbetering van het verstand. 4. Stelkonstige reeckening van den regenboog.

30. Klever. - Verhandeling over de verbetering van het verstand. Tekst en uitleg door W.N.A. Klever. ISBN 9789026307799.
Baarn, Ambo, 1986. Paperback. 210 pp. EUR 15.--

31. Klever. - Ethicom. Spinoza's Ethica vertolkt in tekst en commentaar door Wim Klever. isbn 9789051665260.
Delft, Eburon, 1996. Softcover, ingenaaid, katernen. 758,49 pp. Lichte stootschade. EUR 60.--

32. Klever. - Theologisch-politieke verhandeling. Tractatus theologico-politicus. Vertaald, uitvoerig ingeleid en toegelicht door Wim Klever. ISBN 9789059724013.
Delft, Eburon, 2010. Softcover.402 pp. New. EUR 32.50
~Interpretatie en enigszins ingekorte vertaling van de TTP, eerder uitgegeven onder de titel: Definitie van het Christendom, 1999 (identieke reprint).

33. Vermeulen. - Ethica. Vertaling Corinna Vermeulen. Red. & annotatie: Han van Ruler & Corinna Vermeulen. Nawoord door Han van Ruler en Leen Spruit. ISBN 9789461057532.
Amsterdam, Boom, 2012. Hardcover. 317 pp. New. EUR 46.--
~Dutch translation of the Vatican Manuscript of the Ethics.

34. D'Huyvetters. - Staatkundige Verhandeling. Uit het Latijn vertaald en toegelicht door Karel D'Huyvetters. Met een inleiding van Jonathan I. Israel. ISBN 9789028425569.
Amsterdam, Wereldbibliotheek, 2014. Hardcover with dustjacket. 295 pp. New. EUR 25.20
~Tractatus Politicus in Dutch translation.

35. Van Suchtelen. - Ethica. Uit het Latijn vertaald en van verklarende aantekeningen voorzien door Nico van Suchtelen. (Nieuwe uitgave, herzien en ingeleid door Guido van Suchtelen)1979. Reprint. ISBN 9789028415041.
Amsterdam, Wereldbibliotheek, 2016. Paperback. 335 pp. New. EUR 22.90

36. Verbeek. - Verhandeling over de verbetering van het verstand. Vertaald, ingeleid en van een nawoord voorzien door Theo Verbeek. 2002. Paperback-editie. ISBN 9789065540492.
Groningen, Historische uitgeverij, 2017. Paperback. 149 pp. New. EUR 22.50

37. Van Buuren. - Politiek Traktaat. Vertaald, ingeleid, toegelicht door Maarten van Buuren. ISBN 9789026350931.
Amsterdam, Ambo - Anthos, 2017. Paperback. 460 pp. New. EUR 32.--

38. Akkerman e.a. - Briefwisseling. Vertaald uit het Latijn en uitgegeven naar de bronnen alsmede van een inleiding en van verklarende en tekstkritische aantekeningen voorzien door F. Akkerman, H.G. Hubbeling, A.G. Westerbrink. 1977. Derde druk. ISBN 9789028415973.
Amsterdam, Wereldbibliotheek, 2017. Linnen band met stofomslag.544 pp. New. EUR 38.50
~Complete edition of the letters translated in Dutch.

39. Van Buuren. - Ethica, vertaald, ingeleid, toegelicht en samengevat door Maarten van Buuren. ISBN 9789026340765.
Ambo - Anthos, 2017. Paperback. 460 pp. New. EUR 34.--

40. Akkerman. - Theologisch-Politiek Traktaat. Uit het Latijn vertaald, ingeleid en van verklarende aantekeningen voorzien door F. Akkerman. (1997). Zevende druk. ISBN 9789028417731
Amsterdam, Wereldbibliotheek, 2018. Linnen flexibele band met stofomslag. 548 pp. New. EUR 49.50

English translations
Chronological order

41. Hale White. - Ethic Demonstrated in Geometrical Order and Divided into Five Parts, which treat (1) of God; (2) of the Nature and Origin of the Mind; (3) of the Nature and Origin of the Affects; (4) of Human Bondage, or of the Strength of the Affects; (5) of the Power of the Intellect, or of Human Liberty, Translated from the Latin of Benedict de Spinoza by W. Hale White; translation revised by Amelia Hitchison Stirling M.A. (edin.). 4th Edition Revised and Corrected.
London, Henry Frowde, Oxford University Press, 1910. Orig. green cloth. Slightly bumped corners. XCIX, 297 pp. Name on first blanc, Minor foxing of first page. Good copy. SOLD
~Contains a 94-page introduction.

42. Curley. - The Collected Works of Spinoza. Volume 1. Edited and translated by Edwin Curley. ISBN 9780691072227.
Princeton, Princeton University Press, 1985. Hardcover. XX, 727 pp. New. EUR 55.--
~Contains: Treatise on the emendation of the intellect, Short treatise..., Descartes' principles of philosophy, Ethics and Letters.

43. Shirley. - Tractatus Theologico-Politicus. Transl. by Samuel Shirley. With an introduction by Brad S. Gregory. ISBN 9789004090996.
Leiden, Brill, 1989. Hardcover. VI,316 pp. EUR 70.--
~English translation based on the Gebhardt edition 1925.

44. Shirley. - Tractatus Theologico-Politicus. Transl. by Samuel Shirley. With an introd. by Brad S. Gregory. Second edition. ISBN 9789004095502.
Leiden, Brill, 1991. Paperback. VI,316 pp. EUR 55.--
~English translation based on the Gebhardt edition 1925.

45. Curley. - A Spinoza Reader. The ethics and other works. Edited and translated by Edwin Curley. ISBN 9780691000671.
Princeton, University Press, 1994. Paperback. 280 pp. New. EUR 27.--
~Anthology, contains the Ethics, selections from other works and an introduction that gives an overview of Spinoza's life and the main themes of his philosophy.

46. Parkinson. - Ethics. Edited and translated by G.H.R. Parkinson (Oxford philosophical texts). ISBN 9780198752141.
Oxford, University Press, 2000. Paperback. 368 pp. EUR 35.--
~With a comprehensive guide to the understanding of Spinoza's work.

47. Shirley. - Political Treatise. Translated by Samuel Shirley. Introduction and notes by Steven Barbone and Lee Rice. Prefatory Essay by Douglas Den Uyl. ISBN 9780872205451.
Indianapolis, Hackett, 2000. Hardcover, sewn. XVI, 193 pp. EUR 30.--

48. Shirley. - Complete Works with translations by Samuel Shirley. Edited with introduction and notes by Michael L. Morgan. ISBN 9780872206205.
Indianapolis, Hackett Publishing Company, 2002. Cloth with dustjacket, small tear in dustj. XXIV, 967 pp. EUR 68.--

49. Yaffe. - Spinoza's Theologico-Political Treatise. Translated from the Latin with glossary, indexes and interpretive essay by Martin D. Yaffe (Focus Philosophical Library) ISBN 9781585100859.
Newburyport, Pullins, 2004. Paperback. 433 pp. Very good copy. EUR 22.--

50. Silverthorne, Israel. - Theological-Political Treatise. Edited by Jonathan Israel. Translated by Michael Silverthorne and Jonathan Israel. ISBN 9780521824118.
Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 2007. Hardcover. XLVI, 280 pp. New. EUR 34.--
~With a substantial historical and philosophical introduction by Jonathan Israel.

51. Curley. - The Collected Works of Spinoza. Volume 2. Edited and translated by Edwin Curley. ISBN 9780691167633.
Princeton, Princeton University Press, 2016. Hardcover (black cloth) with dustjacket. 769 pp. New. EUR 51.--
~Contains Theological-Political Treatise, Spinoza's later correspondence, much of which responds to criticism of the Theological-Political Treatise. The volume also includes Political Treatise.

52. Silverthorne. - Ethics. Translated by Michael Silverthorne , Edited by Matthew Kisner (lCambridge Texts in the History of Philosophy). ISBN 9781107069718.
Cambridge, University Press, 2018. Hardcover. 309 pp. New. EUR 87.--
~New english translation of the Ethica based on the new critical latin text-edition by Akkerman and Steenbakkers (PUF 2020)

53. Silverthorne. - Ethics. Proved in Geometrical Order. Translated by Michael Silverthorne and Matthew Kisner, Edited by Matthew Kisner (Cambridge Texts in the History of Philosophy). ISBN 9781107655638.
Cambridge, University Press, 2018. Paperback. 320 pp. New. EUR 31.--
~New english translation of the Ethica based on the new critical latin text-edition by Akkerman and Steenbakkers (PUF 2020)

54. Eliot. - Spinoza's Ethics. Translated by George Eliot. Edited by Clare Carlisle. ISBN 9780691193236.
Princeton, University Press, 2020. Hardcover. 384 pp. New. EUR 85.--

55. Eliot. - Spinoza's Ethics. Translated by George Eliot. Edited by Clare Carlisle. ISBN 9780691193243.
Princeton, University Press, 2020. Paperback. 384 pp. New. EUR 27.50

German translations
Chronological order

56. Kirchmann. - Ethik nach geometrischer Methode dargestellt. Nach der Übersetzung von Johann Hermann von Kirchmann neu herausgegeben von Alexander Heine. ISBN 9783888511936.
Essen, Phaidon, 1996. Hardcover with dustjacket. 320 pp. Very good copy. EUR 8.--

57. Bartuschat. - Descartes' Prinzipien der Philosophie in geometrischer Weise dargestellt. Des Cartes Principiorum Philosophiae Pars I et II, More Geometrico demonstratae. Neu übersetzt, herausgegeben und mit einer Einleitung und Anmerkungen versehen von Wolfgang Bartuschat. (Sämtliche Werke, Bd. 4) ISBN 9783787316960.
Hamburg, Felix Meiner Verlag, 2005. Softcover. XXXVII, 202 pp. New. EUR 22.--
~Mit einem Anhang, enthaltend Gedanken zur Metaphysik

58. Bartuschat. - Werke in drei Bänden. Herausgegeben von Wolfang Bartuschat. ISBN 9783787318148.
Hamburg, Felix Meiner, 2006. Paperbacks. Very good set. Price is for the 3 volumes together. EUR 38.--
~German translation of the complete works of Spinoza, with the exception of the Hebrew Grammar and the Letters.

59. Bartuschat. - Kurzer Traktat über Gott, den Menschen und dessen Glück. Neu übersetzt, herausgegeben, mit Einleitung und Anmerkung versehen von Wolfgang Bartuschat. ISBN 9783787327324.
Hamburg, Meiner Verlag, 2014. Paperback. XLII, 148 pp. New.
~Vollständige Neuausgabe.

60. Bartuschat. - Theologisch-politischer Traktat. Tractatus theologico-politicus. Neu übersetzt, herausgegeben, mit Einleitung und Anmerkungen versehen von Wolfgang Bartuschat. 2., verbesserte Auflage 2018. (PhB 93) ISBN 9783787335084.
Hamburg, Meiner Verlag, 2018. Softcover. XLVI, 388 pp. New. EUR 23.50

French translations

61. Caillois,Francès, Misrahi.- Oeuvres complètes. Texte nouvellement traduit ou revu, présenté et annoté par Roland Caillois, Madeleine Francès et Robert Misrahi. (Bibliotèque de la Pléiade). REPRINT. ISBN 9782070105304.
Paris, Gallimard, 2002. Orig. leather with dustjacket in carton box. LVII, 1576 pp. Fine copy. EUR 45.--
~First published 1955.

62. Misrahi. - Ethique. Introduction, traduction, notes et commentaires, index de Robert MISRAHI. Second edition. ISBN 9782130456841.
Paris, Presses Universitaires de France, 1993. Orig. wrappers, sewn. Minor dent in lower corner. 497 pp. Very good copy. EUR 42.--

63. Askénazi, Askénazi-Gerson.- Abrégé de grammaire hébraïque. Introduction, traduction française et notes par Joël Askénazi et Jocelyne Askénazi-Gerson. (1968). Reprint. ISBN 9782711606887.
Paris, J. Vrin, 2019. Orig. wraps. 242 pp. EUR 30.--
~French translation of Compendium Grammatices Linguae Hebraeae.

Spanish translations

64. Cohan. - Epistolario. Con una introducción de Carl Gebhardt. Translated from the Latin by Oscar Cohan.
Buenos Aires, 1950. Orig. wraps, loose, wear to spine and edges, some repairs. 224 pp. Paper age-browned. EUR 48.--

65. Dominguez. - Tratado politico (El Libro De Bolsillo - Filosofía). Traduccion, introduccion, indice analitico y notas de Atilano Dominguez. ISBN 8420602191.
Madrid, Alianza, 1986. Paperback. 235 pp. 17.5x11 cm. EUR 18.--

66. Dominguez. - Tratado Breve. Traduccion, prologo y notas de Atilano Dominguez. ISBN 9788420604787.
Madrid, Alianza, 1990. Paperback. 284 pp. EUR 58.--
~Translation of Korte Verhandeling

67. Dominguez. - Tratado de la reforma del entendimiento / Principios de filosofía de Descartes / Pensamientos metafísicos. Traducción de Atilano Dominguez. Edition actualizada. ISBN 9788420660653.
Madrid, Alianza, 2006. Paperback. 380 pp. 17.5x11 cm. Owner's stamp on flyleaf. Else good. EUR 39.--
~Colección Humanidades nº 4472.

68. Sidwell. - Etica demostrada según el orden geométrico. Traducciön y notas de Sutavo Sidwell.
Buenos Aires, Terramar, 2009. Softcover. 281 pp. Very good, used copy. EUR 28.--

69. Lomba. - [Ethica]. Etica demostrada según el orden geométrico. (Editor and translator:) Pedro Lomba. ISBN 9788498797848.
Madrid, Trotta, 2023. Hardcover. 448 pp. New. EUR 30.--
~Bilingual Latin - Spanish. With Annexes: 1. Denuncia de Niels Stensen de la filosofía de Spinoza al Santo Oficio. 2. El vocabulario de los afectos. 3. Biblioteca hispánica de Spinoza. 4. Índice de referencias internas de la Ética.

Italian translations

70. Droetto. - Epistolario. A cura di Antonio Droetto. Reprint.
Torino, Einaudi, 1974. Sewn softcover. 313 pp. Good copy. EUR 20.--
~Correspondence. Reprint of the 1951 edition.

71. Giancotti. - Etica Dimostrata Con Metodo Geometrico. A cura di Emilia Giancotti. ISBN 9788835931614.
Roma, Editori Riuniti, 1988. Paperback. 461 pp. Owner's stamp on flyleaf. EUR 30.--

72. Pezzillo. - Trattato Politico. A cura di Lelia Pezzillo. ISBN 9788842037187.
Roma, Laterza, 1991. Paperback. XXXII, 114 pp. EUR 35.--


73. Mededelingen vanwege het Spinozahuis. Volumes 1-107. Complete set of all volumes published from 1934 until now. Each volume has an average of 25 pages.
Leiden-Delft-Voorschoten. Orig. wraps. EUR 830.--
~Mainly in English and Dutch. Latest volumes, available for EUR 6,-- each:
75. Marin Terpstra: De Godzoeker in een van positieve godsdienst vervreemde wereld (2021)
89. Gábor Boros: The "secularization" of religious emotions in Spinoza. (2007)
90. David Janssens: `In de greep van het theologisch-politiek probleem'. (2005).
91. Piet Steenbakkers: Spinoza-plaatsen. Over tekst en context van brief 76.
92. Detlev Pätzold: Spinozas Politiktheorie und das Streben nach Selbsterhaltung. (2007).
93. Theo van der Werf (ed.): Herdenking van de 375ste geboortedag van Benedictus de Spinoza.
94. Michael Della Rocca: Points of view and the two-fold use of the principle of sufficient reason in Spinoza (2014).
95. Edwin M. Curley: Bayle vs. Spinoza on toleration. (2009).
96. Jan Knol: Waarom hield Spinoza zijn `Korte verhandeling' voor gezien? (2009).
97. Antonio Negri: Spinoza: une hérésie de l'immanence et de la démocratie. (2009).
98. Dirk Noordman: Spinoza as an economist.(2016)
99. Moira Gatens: Benedict Spinoza and George Eliot. Daniel Deronda as heretical text. (2015)
100. Leen Spruit and Piet Steenbakkers: Over het Vaticaanse handschrift van Spinoza's Ethica (2012).
102. Genevieve Lloyd: Spinoza and the idea of the secular (2013).
104 C. Jaquet: From parallelism to equality: The nature of the union of mind and body in Spinoza.
105 P. Steenbakkers: Over de dood van Spinoza, en Spinoza over de dood.
106 M. Saar: The immanence of Power.
107 H. de Dijn: Spinoza en Galilei: Een confrontatie.
108. Andrea Sangiacomo: Adam's sin in Spinoza's correspondence with Willem van Blijenbergh. (2015)
109. Henri Krop: 'Tussen Spinoza en Kant moet de strijd gestreden worden'. De tegenpolen van het moderne denken. (2018)
110. Jasper Schaaf: Realistische vrijheid en dynamische macht in het licht van het denken van Spinoza en Marx (2015)
111. Mogens Laerke: Leibniz and Spinoza (2016)
112. Paul Juffermans: Spinoza's dubbele deconstructie in het Theologisch-politiek Traktaat (2018)
113. Nanne Bloksma: Spinoza, a Miraculously Healthy Philosopher
116. Henk-Jan Hoekjen en Willem Lemmens: Spinoza en zijn sporen naar waarheid (2020)
117. Henri Krop en Paul Juffermans: De Spinozaloge in Amsterdam (2022)
Many earlier issues separately available. Price-list will be sent on request.

74. Studia Spinozana. An international and interdisciplinary series. Vols. 1-16. Complete set. ISSN 01793896.
Würzburg, Königshausen & Neumann, 1985-2008. Softcover as published. Very good set. EUR 570.--
~1. Spinoza's philosophy of society. 474 pp.
2. Spinoza's epistemology. 476 pp.
3. Spinoza and Hobbes. 559 pp.
4. Spinoza's early writings. 460 pp.
5. Spinoza and literature. 475 pp.
6. Spinoza and Leibniz. 390 pp.
7. The ethics in the "Ethics". 397 pp.
8. Spinoza's psychology and social psychology. 410 pp.
9. Spinoza and modernity. 414 pp.
10. Spinoza and Descartes. 411 pp.
11. Spinoza's philosophy of religion. 373 pp.
12. Spinoza and ancient philosophy. 329 pp.
13. Spinoza and Jewish identity. 336 pp.
14. Spinoza on mind and body. 345 pp.
15. Spinoza and Dutch Cartesianism. 311 pp.
16. Spinoza and late scholasticism. 313 pp.
Prices for separate volumes available on request.

Monographs and collective works

75. AENISHÄNSLIN, MARKUS. - Le Tractatus de Wittgenstein et l'Ethique de Spinoza. Étude de comparaison structurale. Hardcover ISBN 9783764325084.
Basel, Birkhäuser Verlag, 1993. Orig. grey cloth with dustjacket. 421 pp. Very good copy. EUR 170.--

76. AKKERMAN, F. - Studies in the posthumous works of Spinoza. On style, earliest translation and reception, earliest and modern edition of some texts. (thesis).
Groningen, Rijksuniversiteit, 1980. Orig. paper wraps. VI, 285 pp. Slightly bumped uppercorner. Upper-edge slightly foxed. Else very good. EUR 25.--
~Dissertation. Collection of 6 papers of which 4 were published earlier. English, French and Dutch

77. AKKERMAN, FOKKE and PIET STEENBAKKERS (eds.). - Spinoza to the letter. Studies in words, texts and books. ISBN 9789004149465.
Leiden, Brill, 2005. Hardcover. XIV, 344 pp. As new. EUR 78.--
~Contributions in English and French. On language, style and transmission and editing of Spinoza's texts. Contr. by J. Lagrée, Pierre-Francois Moreau, Filippo Mignini and many others. With an inventory of all copies of the posthumous work (in Latin and Dutch) present in the Netherlands.

78. ALLISON, HENRY E. - Benedict de Spinoza: An introduction. Revised edition. ISBN 9780300035957.
New Haven/London, Yale University Press, 1987. Orig. cloth. X, 254 pp. Very good copy. EUR 80.--

79. ALTKIRCH, ERNST. - Maledictus und Benedictus. Spinoza im Urteil des Volkes und der Geistigen bis auf Constantin Brunner.
Leipzig, 1924. Orig. halfcloth, corners slightly worn. 211 pp. With coloured pencil- and pen-underlinings. Paper yellowing. Handwritten name on title. Good condition. EUR 45.--

80. ALTWICKER, NORBERT (ed.). - Texte zur Geschichte des Spinozismus.
Darmstadt, Wissenschaftliche Buchgesellschaft, 1971. Orig. cloth.415 pp. Name former owner on first blanc.. Good copy. EUR 20.--
~Contains a.o.: L.I. Akselrod: Spinoza und der Materialismus (1925); Ernst Cassirer: Spinoza (1922), Heinz Pflaum: Rationalismus und Mystik in der Philosophie Spinozas (1926); Walter Eckstein: Die Lehre vom Staatsvertrag bei Sinoza (1933).

81. AMANN, FRANCIS. - Ganzes und Teil. Wahrheit und Erkennen bei Spinoza. (Schriftenreihe der Spinozagesellschaft Band 9). ISBN 9783826018848.
Würzburg, Königshausen & Neumann, 2000. Softcover. 354 pp. As new. EUR 41.--

82. BAC, J. MARTIN. - Perfect Will Theology: Divine Agency in Reformed Scholasticism As Against Suarez, Episcopius, Descartes, and Spinoza. (Brill's Series in Church History - Volume 42) ISBN 9789004182905.
Leiden, Brill, 2010. Hardcover. 561 pp. As new. EUR 87.--

83. BAGLEY, PAUL J. - Philosophy, Theology and Politics. A reading of Benedict Spinoza's Tractatus Theologico-Politicus. ISBN 9789004164857.
Brill, Leiden, 2008. Hardcover. 252 pp. New. EUR 105.--

84. Balibar, Etienne, Hans Seidel und Manfred Walther (eds.). - Freiheit und Notwendigkeit: Ethische und politische Aspekte bei Spinoza und in der Geschichte des (Anti-)Spinozismus. ISBN 9783884799512.
Würzburg, Königshausen u. Neumann, 1994. Paperback. 262 pp. As new. EUR 14.--
~Contributions in German (22) and English (2) by Robert Schnepf, Robert McShea, Marin Terpstra, Rüdiger Otto, Ze'ev Levy and others.

85. BELAIEF, GAIL. - Spinoza's Philosophy of Law.
The Hague, Mouton, 1971. Orig. wraps, minor traces of wear. 151 pp. Internally very good. EUR 30.--

86. BELLANGÉ, CHARLES (Bellange). - Spinoza et la philosophie moderne.
Paris, Henri Didier, 1912. Modern wrappers, orig. frontcover mounted. II, 397 pp. Paper yellowing. Well preserved copy. EUR 45.--

87. BEND, J.G. VAN DER (ed.). - Spinoza on knowing, being and freedom. Proceedings of the Spinoza symposium at the International School of Philosophy in The Netherlands (Leusden, September 1973).
Assen, 1974. Orig. cloth with slightly dam. dustj.(8),188 pp. Stamp at colofon-page. Else nice and clean. EUR 22.--
~Among the contributors: Arne Naess, J.J. Groen, P. van der Hoeven, H.G. Hubbeling

88. BENNETT, JONATHAN. - A study of Spinoza's Ethics.
Cambridge, University Press, 1984. Hardcover with dustjacket. X, 396 pp. Small green stamp on title. Else very good. EUR 120.--
~First edition

89. BENTO, ANTONIO and JOSE MARIA SILVA ROSA (eds.). - Revisiting Spinoza's Theological-Political Treatise. ISBN 9783487148892.
Hildesheim, Olms, 2013. Softcover. 340 pp. New. EUR 40.--
~Contr. by a.o. Jaume Aurell, André Santos Campos, Montserrat Herrero, André Tosel, Maria Luisa Ribeiro Ferreira, Pedro Lomba. Papers presented at the conference at the university of Beira Interior, Covilha, Portugal. Texts in English (1 in French).

90. Berger, John. - Bento's Sketchbook.
London, Verso Books, 2011. Hardcover. 176 pp. Illustrated. Fine copy. EUR 30.--

91. BEVERAGGI, HERVÉ. - La Liberté spéculative chez Descartes et Spinoza. (Thèse de doctorat).
Lille, 1997. Softcover. 601 pp. EUR 50.--

92. BIASUTTI, FRANCO. - Ricerche sulla fortuna di Spinoza nel Settecento italiano 1 (Pubblicazioni di Verifiche 11).
Trento, Verifiche, 1984. Orig. wraps. 131 pp. EUR 50.--

93. BIASUTTI, FRANCO. - Prospettive su Spinoza (Pubblicazioni di Verifiche 16).
Trento, Verifiche, 1984. Softcover, foldingmark in frontcover. 178 pp. EUR 40.--

94. BILLECOQ ALAIN. - Spinoza et les spectres - Un essai sur l'esprit philosophique.
Paris, PUF, 1987. Softcover. 168 pp. Good copy. Clean, without annotations or underlinings. EUR 27.--

95. BLANCO - ECHAURI, JESUS (ed.). - Espinosa: Etica e Política. Encontro Hispano-Portugués de Filosofía. Santiage de Compostela, 5-7 de Abril de 1997..
Santiago de Compostela, Universidad, 1999. Hardcover. 507 pp. EUR 50.--

96. BORDOLI, ROBERTO. - Ragione e Scrittura tra Descartes e Spinoza. Saggio sulla «Philosophia S. Scripturae interpres» di Lodewijk Meyer e della sua recezione.
Milano, Franco Angeli, 1997. Orig. wraps, minor foldingmark frontcover. 472 pp. Good copy. EUR 95.--

97. BOROS, GABOR. - Heilsfragment. Rekonstruktion der Spinozanischen Ethik (Doxy Library).
Budapest, Institut f. Philosophie der Ungarischen Akademie der Wiss., 1990. Softcover. 189 pp. Ex-library copy. EUR 30.--
~In German

98. BOSTRENGHI, DANIELA. - Forme e virtu della immaginazione in Spinoza.
Napoli, Bibliopolis, 1996. 216 pp. EUR 15.--

99. BRÖCHNER, H. - Benedict Spinoza. En monographie.
Copenhagen, P.G. Philipsens Forlag, 1857. Modern cloth. 188 pp. Some slight dampstaining. EUR 40.--
~In Danish

100. BROWNE, LEWIS. - Blessed Spinoza. A biography of the philosopher.
New York, 1932. Orig. halfcloth, slight wear to ends of spine, boards a bit grubby. XVIII, 334 pp. And 14 plates. Dedication on flyleaf. Very good copy. EUR 38.--

101. [BRUNNER, CONSTANTIN] - BERNARD, WALTER. - The philosophy of Spinoza and Brunner.
New York, The Spinoza Institute of America, 1934. Hardcover, binding slightly worn, small handwritten name inner frontcover.183 pp. Good copy. EUR 30.--

102. BRUNNER, CONSTANTIN. - Spinoza gegen Kant und die Sache der geistigen Wahrheit. Berlin 1910. 2.Auflage.
Assen, Van Gorcum, 1974. Softcover. (8), 80 pp. Very good copy. EUR 16.--
~German language.

103. [BRUNNER, CONSTANTIN] - EISENSTEIN, ISRAEL. - Ein neuer Beitrag zum Verständnis Spinozas aufgrund der Lehre Constantin Brunners. ISBN 9783610092351.
Frankfurt am Main, Atheneum Verlag, 1989. Orig. cloth with dustjacket. 150 pp. New. EUR 7.--

104. [BRUNNER, CONSTANTIN] - EISENSTEIN, ISRAEL and PHOEBUS GRÜNBERG. - Auf den Pfaden der Philosophie Spinozas und Constantin Brunners.(Schriftenreihe der Constantin-Brunner-Stiftung, Hamburg. Band 2).
Königstein, Anton Hain, 1982. Orig. cloth with dustjacket. 188 pp. EUR 18.--

105. [BRUNNER, CONSTANTIN] - ROTTNER, ELI. - Aus Spinozas Heimat und Constantin Brunners letzter Zufluchtsstätte (Eindrücke). Mit 37 Abbildungen und 10 Anlagen.
Dortmund, 1972. Orig. wrap. 136 pp. Illustrated. Good copy. EUR 8.--
~Gewidmet dem Gedächtnis der 55 Freunde der Philosophie Constantin Brunners und Spinozas, die -gemeinsam mit ihren Familien - während des zweiten Weltkrieges Opfer des Hitlerregimes wurden, darunter Leoni Brunner und Lotte Stigter-Brunner. Added: Studie zu Spinozas "Traktat über die Verbesserung des Verstandes (...) 1964" (pp. 113-136)

106. [BRUNNER, CONSTANTIN] - SONNTAG, LEO und HEINZ STOLTE (eds.). - Spinoza in neuer Sicht (Schriftenreihe der Constantin-Brunner-Stiftung Hamburg Band 1.).
Meisenheim am Glan, Anton Hain, 1977. Orig. cloth with dustjacket (dustj. with traces of wear). 220 pp. Some foxing. EUR 37.--
~Contr. by a.o. Constantin Brunner, Walter Bernard, Lothar Bickel, Sigmund Freud (facsimile letter) and David Ben Gurion.

107. BRUNSCHVICG, LEON. - Ecrits philosophiques, tome premier. L'humanisme de l'occident, Descartes-Spinoza-Kant (Bibliothèque de Philosophie Contemporaine).
Paris, Presses Universitaires de France, 1951. Or. wraps, spine slightly discolored. 319 pp. Handwritten dedication on flyleaf. EUR 18.--

108. BUNGE, WIEP VAN. - Spinoza Past and Present. Essays on Spinoza, spinozism and Spinoza scholarship.
Leiden, Brill, 2012. Hardcover. XIV, 256 pp. New. EUR 100.--
~12 essays. `Special attention is paid to the various ways in which Spinoza's works have been interpreted from the late seventeenth century to the present day. In particular Spinoza's recent popularity among advocates of the Radical Enlightenment is discussed.'.

109. CARLISLE, CLARE. - Spinoza's Religion. A New Reading of the Ethics.
Princeton, University Press, 2021. Paperback. 272 pp. New. EUR 20.--

110. COLERUS, JOHANNES. - Korte, dog waaragtige levens-beschrijving van Benedictus de Spinosa. Facsimile reprint.
's-Gravenhage, Martinus Nijhoff, 1910. 16.5x12 cm. Orig. boards, spine discolored and slightly dam. VIII, 88 pp. Partly unopened. Internally very good. EUR 25.--
~Second facsimile reprint of the important biography of Spinoza in Dutch. published in 1705 First reprint was published 1880.

111. CRAPULLI, G. and E.G.BOSCHERINI. - Richerche lessicali su opere di Descartes e Spinoza. (Le note marginali latine nelle versioni olandesi di opere di Descartes di J.H.Glazemaker / Sul concetto spinoziano di mens)..
Roma, 1969. Orig. wraps, minor wear to spine. 184 pp. EUR 22.--

112. CRISTOFOLINI, PAOLO (ed.). - The Spinozistic heresy - L'hérésie Spinoziste - The debate on the Tractatus Theologico-politicus, 1670-1677 and the immediate reception of Spinozism. Proceedings of the international Cortona Seminar, 10-14 Aprill 1991. ISBN 9789030215028.
Amsterdam / Maarssen, APA, 1995. Softbound. VIII, 260 pp. NEW. EUR 30.--
~English, French, German & Italian. Contr. by Popkin, M. Silvera, W. van Bunge, Klever, Jacqueline Lagrée and many others

113. CURLEY, EDWIN and PIERRE-FRANCOIS MOREAU (eds.). - Spinoza. Issues and directions. The proceedings of the Chicago Spinoza Conference. ISBN 9789004093348.
Leiden, Brill, 1990. Orig. cloth with dustjacket. Sewn. Dustjacket slightly discolored. 404 pp. Very good copy. EUR 105.--
~First edition.

114. CURLEY, EDWIN M. - Spinoza's metaphysics: an essay in Interpretation.
Massachusetts, Harvard university press, 1969. Hardcover with dustjacket. Dutsj. with slight traces of use. 174 pp. Very good clean copy. EUR 45.--
~First edition

115. CZELINSKI, MICHAEL. - Der tugendhafte Atheist. Studien zur Vorgeschichte der Spinoza-Renaissance in Deutschland. (Schriftenreihe der Spinoza-Gesellschaft Bd. 13) ISBN 9783826035364.
Würzburg, Königshausen & Neumann, 2007. Softcover. 244 pp. As new. EUR 21.--
~German language.

116. DAMASIO, ANTONIO. - Looking for Spinoza. Joy, sorrow, and the feeling brain.
Orlando, Harcourt, 2003. Hardcover with dustjacket. 355 pp. Illustrated. As new. EUR 6.--

117. DEBRABANDER, F. - Spinoza and the stoics. Power, politics and the passions. Continuum Studies in Philosophy. ISBN 9780826493934.
London/New York, Continuum, 2007. Hardcover. X, 149 pp. New. EUR 50.--

118. DELAHUNTY, R.J. - Spinoza (In the series: The arguments of the philosophers). ISBN 0710203756.
London, Routledge, 1985. Orig. cloth with dustjacket. 317 pp. Book: very good. Dustjacket: fair. EUR 39.--

119. DELEUZE, GILLES. - Spinoza. Practical philosophy. Translated from the French by Robert Hurley.
San Francisco, City Lights Books, 1988. Softcover. IV, 130 pp. New. EUR 13.--

120. DELEUZE, GILLES. - Spinoza und das Problem des Ausdrucks in der Philosophie.
München, Wilhelm Fink Verlag, 1993. Paperback. 316 pp. EUR 39.--
~German text. Aus dem Französischen von Ulrich Johannes Schneider

121. DELEUZE, GILLES. - Spinoza et le problème de l'expression..
Paris, Les Editions de Minuit, 1968. Softcover, sewn, spine slightly creased and discolored, slight traces of use. 332 pp. Internally good. EUR 17.--

122. DELF, HANNA, JULIUS SCHOEPS and MANFRED WALTHER (eds.). - Spinoza in der europaïschen Geistesgeschichte.
Edition Hentrich, 1994. Hardcover. 464 pp. Pencil-annotations. Blindstamped ex-libris on flyleaf. EUR 18.--

123. DEN UYL, DOUGLAS J.- Power, state and freedom. An interpretation of Spinoza's political philosophy (Philosophia Spinozae Perennis). ISBN 9023219724.
Assen, Van Gorcum, 1983. Softbound, slight crease in frontcover. 172 pp. Internally nice and clean. A good copy. EUR 160.--

124. DEUGD, C. DE (ed.). - Spinoza's political and theological thought. International symposium...commemorating the 350th anniversary of the birth of Spinoza. Amsterdam 1982.
Amsterdam, 1984. Orig. wraps.248 pp. Name on halftitle. Good copy. EUR 15.--
~Contr. in English, French and German. Among the authors: Hubbeling, Kaplan, Akkerman and Klever.

125. DEUGD, C. DE. - The significance of Spinoza's first kind of knowledge.
Assen, Van Gorcum, 1966. Orig. red cloth with dustjacket. Dustjacket (crudely) repaired with tape on top.VIII, 283 pp. Very good copy. EUR 35.--

126. DEVEAUX, SHERRY. - The role of God in Spinoza's Metaphysics. ISBN 9780826488886.
London/New York, Continuum, 2007. Hardcover. 142 pp. New. EUR 25.--

127. DIJKSTERHUIS and others.- Descartes et le cartésianisme hollandais. Études et documents (Publications de l'Institut Français d'Amsterdam, Maison Descartes).
Paris/Amsterdam, PUF, 1950. Orig. wraps., partly discolored, slight wear to spine. XII, 307 pp. Unopened copy. Slight brown stain in margin at places. EUR 15.--
~Contributors: Cornelia Serrurier, Paul Dibon, C. Louise Thuissen-Schoute, Genevieve Lewis. Texts in French

128. DONAGAN, ALAN. - Spinoza (Philosophers in context).
New York, Harvester - Wheatsheaf, 1988. Cloth with dustjacket. XVIII, 219 pp. EUR 90.--

129. DOUEIHI, MILAD. - Augustine and Spinoza. ISBN 9780674050631.
Harvard, University Press, 2011. Hardcover with dustjacket. 116 pp. Dustjacket with traces of wear and use. Book itself in fine condition. EUR 39.--

130. DOUGLAS, ALEXANDER X. - Spinoza and Dutch Cartesianism. ISBN 9780198732501.
Oxford, University Press, 2015. Hardcover with dustjacket. 192 pp. As new. EUR 28.--

131. DUNNER, JOSEPH. - Baruch Spinoza and Western democracy. An interpretation of his philosophical religious and political thought.
New York, 1955. Hardcover with (damaged) dustjacket. XII, 140 pp. Handwritten dates on first blanc. Good copy. EUR 30.--

132. EKKART, RUDI. - Spinoza in portrait. The unknown face. Spinoza in beeld. Het onbekende gezicht.
Voorschoten, Vereniging het Spinozahuis, 1999. Orig. wraps. 32 pp. Illustrated. As new. EUR 12.--
~Bilingual Dutch and English. Originally published in "De Steen vliegt. A stone in flight: Artistic explorations inspired by Benedictus de Spinoza. Amsterdam 1997

133. ENGLISH, F., M. LAUERMANN and MARIA-BRIGITTA SCHRÖDER (eds.). - Randfiguren. Spinoza-Inspirationen. Festgabe für Manfred Walther.
Hannover, Wehrhahn Verlag, 2005. Softcover. 346 pp. Good copy. EUR 19.--
~German language. 18 contributions inspired by `Spinoza und seinen Spuren durch die europäische Geistesgeschichte'. Among the contr.: Martin Terpstra: Thesen zur politischen Philosophie Spinozas; Felicitas English: Zu Religion und Staat bei Spinoza und Hegel, Frits Pommes: Das spinozistische Pferd; Maria-Brigitta Schröder: Der Spinoza-Übersetzer Schack Hermann Ewald. Contains bibliography of the publications of Manfred Walther.

134. ENGSTLER, ACHIM and ROBERT SCHNEPF (eds.). - Affekte und Ethik. Spinozas Lehre im Kontext. ISBN 9783487116945.
Hildesheim, Olms, 2002. Softcover. 374 pp. Very good copy. EUR 23.--

135. ERHARDT, FRANZ. - Die Philosophie des Spinoza im Lichte der Kritik.
Leipzig, 1908. Halfleather. Spine and corners slightly worn and damaged. Solid binding. Blindstamped ex-libris on flyleaf. Internally very good. EUR 45.--

136. ERHARDT, FRANZ. - Die Weltanschauung Spinozas.
Stuttgart, 1928. Black cloth, gold lettering, with some minor wear along the upper-edge. VIII, 160 pp. With portrait-frontispiece. Blindstamped ex-libris on flyleaf. A few brown spots. Good copy. EUR 20.--

137. FÄRBER, ANDREAS. - Die Begründung der Wissenschaft aus reiner Vernunft: Descartes, Spinoza und Kant, (Alber-Reihe Philosophie).
Freiburg/München, Verlag Karl Alber, 1999. Hardcover. 285 pp. Exlibrary copy, stamps on edges, label on spine. EUR 22.--

138. FEYERABEND, WILHELM. - Schopenhauers Verhältnis zu Spinoza. Inaugural-Dissertation zur Erlangung der Doktorwürde genehmigt von der Philosophischen Fakutät der Rheinischen Friedrich-Wilhelms-Universität zu Bonn.
Bonn, 1910. Selfwraps, some slight staining. 108 pp. Internally good. EUR 45.--
~Wolf library catalogue 1003

139. FISCHER, KUNO. - Baruch Spinoza's Leben und Charakter. Ein Vortrag (11. Januar 1865).
Heidelberg, 1946. Orig. wraps. 56 pp. Paper slightly browned. Good copy. EUR 6.50

140. FRAISSE, JEAN-CLAUDE. - L'oeuvre de Spinoza.
Paris, J. Vrin, 1978. Softcover. 383 pp. Slight staining on first and last blanc. Else very good. EUR 18.--

141. FRAMPTON, TRAVIS R. - Spinoza, Religious heterodoxy, and the rise of historical criticism of the Bible. (Thesis Erasmus University Rotterdam).
Waco, Texas, 2004. Softcover. 262 pp. Good copy. EUR 40.--

142. FRANCK, ADOLPHE. - Moralistes et philosophes.
Paris, Librairie Académique Didier, 1872. 8vo. Contemp halfcloth, bumped edges. [4], VIII, 485 pp. Foxing. Good copy. EUR 95.--
~From the contents a.o.: Descartes et le cartésianisme, ou la philosophie au XVIIe siècle; Lévi ben Gerson; Spinoza.

143. FRISHMAN, JUDITH and HETTY BERG (eds). - Dutch Jewry - in a Cultural Maelstrom 1880-1940. ISBN 9789052602684.
Amsterdam, Aksant, 2007. Softcover, frontcover slightly discolored. 213 pp. Very good copy. Clean, no traces of use. EUR 65.--
~14 contributions. Among them 2 about Spinoza: Henri Krop: Spinozism and Dutch Jewry between 1880 and 1940. David Wertheim: Spinoza's popularity in perspective. A Dutch-German comparison.

144. GALLI, GALLO. - Spinoza. Saggio sulla vita e l'opera. Dal Breve Trattato all'Etica.
Milano, Ed. Pergamena, 1974. Orig. wraps. 179 pp. A few slight foldingmarks. EUR 40.--

145. GARCIA, FERNANDEZ. - Potencia y razon en B. Spinoza (Dissertation).
Madrid, Universidad Complutense Madrid, Facultad Filosofia, 1988. Orig. hardcover binding, spine slightly dam. XVI, 606 pp. Mimeographed 8vo. EUR 50.--

146. GARRETT, AARON V. - Meaning in Spinoza's Method. Hardcover. ISBN 9780521826112.
Cambridge, University Press, 2003. Cloth with dustjacket. XII, 240 pp. New. EUR 50.--

147. GATENS, MOIRA. - Spinoza's Hard Path to Freedom. Spinoza Lectures ISBN 9789023249399.
Assen, Van Gorcum, 2011. Softcover. 56 pp. New. EUR 12.--
~Lecture I: The free man and the multitude. Lecture 2: George Eliot's artful bridge (Eliot translated `The Ethics').

148. GATTUNG, CHRISTIANE. - Der Mensch als Glied der Unendlichkeit. Zur Anthropologie von Spinoza. ISBN 9783884797846.
Würzburg, Königshausen & Neumann, 1993. Softcover. 182 pp. EUR 17.--

149. GEBHARDT, CARL. - Spinoza. Vier Reden.
Heidelberg, Carl Wainter, 1927. Paper wraps with translucent paper dustjacket as issued. Dustj. browned, with a few small tears. 80, 13 pp. Some unobtrusive pencilmarks in the margin. A good copy. EUR 18.--

150. GIANCOTTI, EMILIA (ed.). - Proceedings of the first Italian international congress on Spinoza.
Napels, Bibliopolis, 1985. Orig. cloth with slightly dam. dustjacket. XIV, 537 pp. And 2 plates. Upper-edge foxed, else very good. EUR 60.--
~Contributions in French, English, German and Italian by a.o. Harris, Macherey, Tosel, Zac, Balliu, Cristoflini, De Dijn, Klever, McShea, Balibar, Matheron, Moreau, Mugnier-Pollet, Preposiet, Walther, Curley, Mechoulan, Yovel, Hubbeling, Mignini, van Suchtelen.

151. GIOVANNONI, AUGUSTIN. - Immanence et finitude chez Spinoza. Etudes sur l'idée de constitution dans l'Ethique.
Paris, Editions Kimé, 1999. Softcover. 239 pp. EUR 70.--

152. GIULIETTI, GIOVANNI. - Spinoza. La sua vita. Il suo pensiero.
Treviso, Ed. Canova, 1974. Or. wraps. 295 pp. EUR 23.--

153. GOFF, PHILIP (ed.). - Spinoza on Monism.
UK, Palgrave Macmillan, 2012. Hardcover, minor bump backcover.295 pp. Internally as new. Very good copy. EUR 69.--

154. GRENE, MARJORIE (ed.). - Spinoza. A collection of critical essays. (Modern Studies in Philosophy).
Notre Dame, University of Notre Dame Press, 1973. Orig. cloth. XVIII, 390 pp. Removed librarystamp inner frontcover. Minor damage and discoloration to first endpaper and flyleaf. Else very good. EUR 95.--
~Among the contributions: "Spinoza's Letter on the Infinite", transl. by K. Mclaughlin from Martial Gueroult: Spinoza, Vol. 1.

155. GRENE, MARJORIE and DABRA NAILS (eds.). - Spinoza and the sciences. ISBN 9789027719768.
Dordrecht, Reidel publishing Company, 1986. Hardcover with dustjacket (dustj. with slight wear). 336 pp. Very good copy. EUR 110.--
~Among the contributions: Alexandre Matheron: Spinoza and Euclidean Arithmetic (transl. from the French); Richard H. Popkin: Some new light on the roots of Spinoza's Science of Bible Study; Michel Paty: Einstein and Spinoza (transl. from the French). With annotated bibliography.

156. [GROUPE DE RECHERCHES SPINOZISTES] - . - Lire et Traduire Spinoza (Travaux et Documents, No. 1) ISBN 2904315608.
Paris, Presses de l'Université de la Sorbonne, 1989. Orig. wraps. 130 pp. Very good copy. EUR 40.--
~With contributions by F. Akkerman, O, Proietti, F. Charles-Daubert, J. Lagree, and J.F. Priere.

157. [GROUPE DE RECHERCHES SPINOZISTES] - BRUGERE, FABIENNE and PIERRE-FRANCOIS MOREAU. - Spinoza et les affects. Textes réunis par Fabienne Brugère and Pierre-Francois Moreau. (Groupe de Recherches Spinozistes, Travaux et Documents No. 7.). ISBN 9782840501121.
Paris, Presses de l'Université de la Paris-Sorbonne, 1998. Paperback. 103 pp. Owner's stamp on halftitle. EUR 30.--

158. [GROUPE DE RECHERCHES SPINOZISTES] - HUBERT, CHRISTIANE. - Les premières réfutations de Spinoza: Aubert de Versé, Wittich, Lamy (Travaux et Documents 5). ISBN 2840500337.
1994. Orig. wraps. 150 pp. EUR 50.--

159. GRÜNDER, KARLFRIED and WILHELM SCHMIDT-BIGGEMANN (eds.). - Spinoza in der Frühzeit seiner religiösen Wirkung. Wolfenbütteler Studien zur Aufklärung Bd. 12..
Heidelberg, Verlag Lambert Schneider, 1984. Orig. wraps.255 pp. and 1 portrait of Gershom Scholem. EUR 30.--
~Contributions in German and English. Among the articles: Gershom Scholem: Die Wachtersche Kontroverse über den Spinozismus und ihre Folgen, Hubertus G. Hubbeling: Zur frühen Spinozarezeption in den Niederlanden, John D. Woodbridge: Richard Simon's reaction to Spinoza's TTP.

160. GRUNWALD, MAX. - Spinoza in Deutschland. (Gekrönte Preisschrift).
Berlin, Verlag von S.Calvary & Co., 1897. Contemp. halfcloth, solid binding, edges and corners worn. IV,380 pp. Blindstamped ex-libris on title. Title slightly stained. On the whole a good copy. EUR 50.--
~First edition

161. GRUNWALD, MAX. - Spinoza in Deutschland. (Gekrönte Preisschrift). Berlin 1897. Reprint. ISBN 3511009227.
Aalen, Scientia Verlag, 1986. Cloth. IV,380 pp. New. EUR 46.--

162. GULLAN-WHUR, MARGARET. - Within reason : a life of Spinoza.
London, Jonathan Cape, 1998. Orig. cloth with dustjacket.XVIII, 398 pp. Very good copy. EUR 8.--

163. HAGEMEIER, MARTIN. - Zur Vorstellungskraft in der philosophie Spinozas (Schriftenreihe der Spinoza-Gesellschaft, Band 16).
Würzburg, 2012. Softcover. 211 pp. As new. EUR 18.--

164. HALLETT, H.F. - Benedict de Spinoza. The elements of his philosophy. A reprint of the 1957 edition.
Bristol, Thoemmes, 1990. Hardcover. XVI, 171 pp. And portrait. Blindstamped exlibris flyleaf. Else as new. EUR 14.--

165. HAMMACHER, KLAUS (ed.). - Spinoza und die moderne Wissenschaft (with abstracts in English). (Schriften der Spinoza-Gesellschaft Band 5).
Würzburg, Königshausen & Neumann, 1998. Softcover. 298 pp. As new. EUR 15.--

166. HAMMACHER, SILVIA und KLAUS. - Der dialog zwischen Jacobi und Lessing über Spinoza. Textfassung nach Friedrich Heinrich Jacobi. Über die Lehre des Spinoza (1785).
Hamburg, Felix Meiner Verlag, 1986. Orig. wraps. 21 pp. As new. EUR 5.--
~German language.

167. HAMPSHIRE, STUART. - Spinoza and Spinozism. ISBN 9780199279548.
Oxford, Oxford University Press, 2005. Softcover. LVIII, 206 pp. As new. EUR 38.--
~Contains Hampshire's writings on Spinoza: Spinoza and Spinozism (2004), Spinoza: An introduction to his philosophical thought (1951) , Spinoza and the idea of Freedom (1962)

168. HARRIS, ERROL E. - Salvation from despair. A reappraisal of Spinoza's philosophy. ISBN 9789024751587.
Den Haag, Martinus Nijhoff, 1973. Orig. cloth with dustjacket.XX, 270 pp. Slight foxing fore-edge. Dustj. with slight traces of use. Else very good. EUR 50.--

169. HARRIS, ERROL E. - Spinoza's philosophy: An outline.
New Jersey - London, 1992. Softcover. X, 125 pp. Owner's handwritten name (small) on halftitle. Else very good copy. EUR 28.--
~Spinoza's writings on metaphysics, ethics, and politics have had a remarkably diverse reception in recent times and have contributed to the current dialogue among philosophers, intellectual historians, and literary theorists. Errol E. Harris has written a brief and simplified introductory presentation of the major branches of Spinoza's philosophy. Spinoza's ideas are put forward in plain language and supported by convincing argument. Technicalities are either clearly explained or entirely avoided. Professor Harris also shows the student how Spinoza succeeded in reconciling the insights of both the British empiricists and the continental rationalists.

170. HARRIS, ERROL E. - The Substance of Spinoza. ISBN 9780391038271.
New Jersey, Humanities Press, 1995. Hardcover. 243 pp. EUR 65.--

171. HEERICH, THOMAS. - Transformation des Politikkonzepts von Hobbes zu Spinoza. Das Problem der Souveränität. (Schriftenreihe der Spinoza-Gesellschaft Band 8).
Würzburg, Königshausen & Neumann, 2000. Softcover. 94 pp. EUR 18.--

172. HEERTUM, CIS VAN and FRANK GRUNTERT (eds.). - Spinoza im Kontext. Voraussetzungen, Werk und Wirken einse radikalen Denkers. ISBN 9783898127578.
Halle, Mitteldeutscher Verlag, 2010. Softcover. 176 pp. As new. EUR 25.--
~German language. Katalog zur Ausstellung. Contr.: Cis van Heertum/Frank Grunert: Spinoza: Wolfenbüttel, Amsterdam, Halle. Zur Einleitung. Wiep van Bunge: Spinozas philosophische Hintergründe. Frank Mertens: Spinozas Amsterdamer Freundeskreis. Henri Krop: Spinozas Bibliothek. Kay Zenker: Spinoza und die Hallesche Frühaufklärung. Spinoza im Kontext - Beschreibung der Exponate.

173. HEINZ, MARION (ed.). - Herder Und Die Philosophie Des Deutschen Idealismus.(Fichte-Studien-Supplementa 8).
Amsterdam, Rodopi, 1997. Softcover. 345 pp. Very good copy. EUR 40.--
~In German. From the contents: John H. Zammito: Herder, Kant, Spinoza und die Ursprünge des deutschen Idealismus; Klaus Hammacher: Herders Stellung im Spinozastreit;

174. HERER, MAXIMILIAN. - Spinoza. Die Philosophie der Wahrheit und der Erkenntnis.
Jerusalem, Israel Universities Press, 1971. Orig. cloth with dustjacket.324 pp. EUR 8.--

175. HESSING, SIEGFRIED (ed.). - Speculum Spinozanum 1677-1977. With a foreword by Huston Smith.
London, 1978. Orig. cloth with dustjacket.XXI, 590 pp. and 9 plates. Minor bump in uppercorner, else very good. EUR 34.--

176. HESSING, SIEGFRIED (ed.). - Dreihundert Jahre Ewigkeit. Spinoza-Festschrift 1632-1932. 2. verm. Auflage.
The Hague, Martinus Nijhoff, 1962. Orig. cloth with dustjacket. Minor traces of wear to dustj. XLII, 205 pp. Very good copy. EUR 20.--
~Contr. by D. ben Gurion, Dubnow, Einstein, Freud, Romain Rolland, Arnold Zweig a.o. In German

177. HINDRICHS, GUNNAR (ed.). - Die Macht der menge. Über die Aktualität einer Denkfigur Spinozas. ISBN 9783825352820.
Heidelberg, Universitätsverlag Winter, 2006. Hardcover. 202 pp. New. EUR 32.--
~In German. About Spinoza's notion: Potentia Multitudinis. Contributors: Robin Celikates, Arnd Pollmann, Dominik Schrage, Markus Kartheininger, Guido Kreis, Martin Saar

178. HONG, HAN-DING. - Spinoza und die Deutsche Philosophie. Eine Untersuchung zur metaphysischen Wirkungsgeschichte des Spinozismus in Deutschland. Mit Nachwort von Lutz Geldsetzer. ISBN 3511092094.
Aalen, Scientia Verlag, 1989. Orig. cloth. 279 pp. New. EUR 30.--

179. HONNACKER, ANA and MATTHIAS RUF (eds.). - Gott oder Natur: Perspektiven nach Spinoza.
Münster., Lit Verlag, 2015. Paperback. 164 pp. As new. EUR 20.--
~Contr. by Martin Saar, Michael A. Rosenthal, Thomas Hanke and others.

180. HUBBELING, H.G. - Spinoza's methodology (1964). 2nd ed.
Assen, 1967. Softcover. IV, 158 pp. Very good copy. EUR 32.--

181. HUBBELING, H.G. - Spinoza's methodology (Diss. at the Univ. of Groningen).
Assen, 1964. Orig. cloth. VI, 158, 4 pp. A few minor penmarks in margin. Else very good. EUR 48.--

182. HUENEMANN, CHARLIE (editor). - Interpreting Spinoza. Critical essays. ISBN 9780521871839.
Cambridge, University Press, 2008. Orig. cloth with dustjacket. 196 pp. As new. EUR 50.--

183. HULTEN, PONTUS. - Vermeer et Spinoza. Traduit du suédois par Lydie Rousseau. Présentation de Bernadette et Thierri Dufrêne.
Paris, L'Echoppe, 2002. Orig. wraps. 78 pp. EUR 18.--

184. HUNTER, GRAEME (ed.). - Spinoza: The enduring questions..
Toronto, Toronto U.P., 1994. Hardcover with dustjacket. XVIII, 182 pp. Very good condition. EUR 35.--
~English language. Contributors: David Savan, James C. Morrison, Leslie Armour, Edwin Curley, Manfred Walther, Laura Byrne, Douglas Odegard, Dan Nesher.

185. ISAACSON, JOSE. - Cuaderno Spinoza.
Buenos Aires, Ediciones Marymar, 1977. Orig. wraps, slight traces of wear. 286 pp. and 17 plates. Good copy. EUR 36.--
~Spanish Poetry

186. JANSSEN, RALF. - Die Bestimmung der Negation im Zusammenhang von Spinozas Philosophie des Absoluten. (Dissertation).
Aachen, 1992. Softcover. 143 pp. EUR 25.--

187. JOACHIM, HAROLD H. - A study of the Ethics of Spinoza.
Oxford, 1901. Orig. cloth, slight discoloring of the spine, minor traces of wear, small handwritten name inner frontcover. XIV, 316 pp. Internally very good. EUR 59.--
~First edition

188. KAPLAN, FRANCIS. - L'éthique de Spinoza et la méthode géométrique. Introduction à la lecture de Spinoza..
No place, Flammarion, 1998. Softcover, slightly soiled. 234 pp. EUR 20.--

189. KASHAP, S. PAUL (ed.). - Studies in Spinoza; Critical and Interpretive Essays..
Berkeley, University of California Press, 1974. Paperback. Foldingmark spine and frontcover. XX, 355 pp. Name on first blanc. Good copy. EUR 10.--
~Contributions by T.M. Forsyth, A. Wolf, Francis S. Haserot, S. Alexander, Ruth L. Saw, H. Barker, H.F. Hallett, A.E. Taylor, David Savan, Guttorm Floistad, Raphael Demos, A.E. Taylor, Stuart Hampshire and S. Paul Kashap.

190. KASHAP, S. PAUL (ed.). - Studies in Spinoza; Critical and Interpretive Essays.
Berkeley, University of California Press, 1974. Orig. cloth.XX, 355 pp. Very good copy. EUR 38.--
~Contributions by T.M. Forsyth, A. Wolf, Francis S. Haserot, S. Alexander, Ruth L. Saw, H. Barker, H.F. Hallett, A.E. Taylor, David Savan, Guttorm Floistad, Raphael Demos, A.E. Taylor, Stuart Hampshire and S. Paul Kashap.

191. KETTNER, FREDERICK. - Spinoza the biosopher. Introduction by Nicholas Roerich.
New York, Roerich Museum Press, 1932. Orig. halfcloth, slightly soiled, slightly worn. 263 pp. Blindstamped ex-libris on titlepage. Internally good. EUR 57.--
~First edition

192. KISSER, THOMAS. - Selbstbewusstsein und Interaktion. Spinozas Theorie der Individualität. (Schriftenreihe der Spinoza-Gesellschaft Band 1).
Würzburg, Königshausen & Neumann, 1998. Softcover. 145 pp. As new. EUR 17.--

193. KNIGHT, WILLIAM ANGUS (ed.). - Spinoza; Four essays, by Land, Kuno Fischer J. van Vloten and Ernest Renan.
London, Williams and Norgate, 1882. Modern cloth. XIV, 170 pp. Halftitle discolored. P. 31: small piece of corner lacking. Inner margin p. X/XI repaired. Else very good. EUR 140.--
~First edition.

194. KOGAN, BARR S. (ed.). - Spinoza; a tercentenary perspective.
Cincinnati, Hebrew Union College, 1978. Orig. wraps, slight wear. XII,106 pp. Blindstamped exlibris first blanc. Good copy. EUR 18.--
~Contributions by Alfred Gottschalk, Richard H. Popkin, Lewis S. Feuer, David Savan and Eugene Mihaly

195. KOISTINEN, OLLI (ed.). - The Cambridge Companion to Spinoza's Ethics. ISBN.
Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 2011. Softcover. XIII, 465 pp. As new. EUR 35.--

196. KOISTINEN, OLLI and JOHN BIRO (eds.). - Spinoza. Metaphysical themes. Hardcover.
Oxford, University Press, 2003. Orig. cloth with dustjacket. 255 pp. Fine copy. EUR 75.--
~This collection of previously unpublished essays on Spinoza provides a representative sample of new and interesting research on the philosopher. Spinoza's philosophy still has an underserved reputation for being obscure and incomprehensible. In these chapters, Spinoza is seen mostly as a metaphysician who tried to pave the way for the new science. The essays investigate several themes, notably Spinoza's monism, the nature of the individual, the relation between mind and body, and his place in 17th century philosophy including his relation to Descartes and Leibniz. The top scholars working on Spinoza today are all represented, including John Carriero, Michael Della Rocca, and Don Garrett.

197. KOSSMANN, E.H. - Political thought in the Dutch Republic. Three Studies.
Amsterdam, KNAW, 2000. Softcover. 197 pp. As new. EUR 17.--
~What political theories did early Dutch citizens develop to justify the existence of a republic that had grown enormously wealthy and powerful in only one generation? This book brings together, for the first time in English, three essays by E.H. Kossmann that examine the meaning of political philosophy for the seventeenth- and eighteenth-century Dutch state. Accompanied by an updated introduction, these essays present a completely new perspective on the political atmosphere in the early Dutch republic. These three essays, previously published as independent articles, are brought together here for the first time in English. An introduction has been added in which the author places the original texts in a new perspective.

198. [KROP, HENRI] - LIAS. Sources and documents relating to the early modern history of ideas. Volume 32, part 1.
Amsterdam, APA, 2005. Softcover. 215 pp. EUR 20.--
~Among the contributions: Henri Krop: A Dutch Spinozismusstreit: the new view of Spinoza at the end of the eighteenth century. pp. 184-211. Also articles on Gisbertus Longolius, Erasmus, Un unknown letter to Hugo Grotius,

199. KROP, HENRI. - Spinoza. Een paradoxale icoon van Nederland.
Amsterdam, Prometheus - Bert Bakker, 2014. Hardcover met stofomslag.822 pp. Zeer goed exemplaar (miniem scheurtje in stofomslag, verder nieuwstaat). EUR 50.--
~In Dutch. Out-of-print. Comprehensive survey of Spinoza-reception in the Netherlands from 17th century until now

200. LACHIEZE-REY, PIERRE. - Les origines cartésiennes du Dieu de Spinoza. 2nd ed. Reprint.
Paris, Vrin, 1950. Red cloth. Handwritten name inner frontcover. XI, 288 pp. Very good copy. EUR 46.--
~French. Descartes. First edition was published in 1932.

201. LAGREE, JACQUELINE. - Spinoza et le débat religieux : lectures du Traité théologico-politique.
Rennes, Presses Universitaires, 2004. Softcover. Slight foldingmarks upper-corner. Else very good. EUR 18.--

202. LAMM, JULIA A. - The Living God: Schleiermacher's Theological Appropriation of Spinoza. ISBN 9780271015408.
Pennsylvania, Pennsylvania State University Press, 1996. Hardcover with dustjacket, dustjacket slightly damaged. 246 pp. Very good copy. EUR 50.--
~German theologian F. D. E. Schleiermacher's doctrine of God-the first to be developed in the post-Kantian era-fundamentally changed the course of Christian theology. The degree to which his doctrine of God was influenced by the philosophy of Benedict de Spinoza remains in dispute, however. This study examines the ways in which Schleiermacher actively adopted elements of Spinoza's thought in the development of his own theological doctrine of God. Julia Lamm's analysis of little-known but seminal essays by Schleiermacher reveals his young creative genius in daring to go beyond the neo-Spinozism of Herder and the post-Kantianism of Fichte by developing his own post-Kantian Spinozism.

203. LAZZERI, CHRISTIAN (ed.). - Spinoza. Puissance et impuissance de la raison.
Paris, PUF, 1999. Softcover. Minor foldingmark at fore-edge. 115 pp. EUR 55.--

204. LERMOND, LUCIA. - The Form of man. Human Essence in Spinoza's Ethic. ISBN 9789004088290.
Leiden, Brill, 1988. Orig. cloth with dustjacket. X, 87 pp. Very good. EUR 33.--

205. LEVENE, NANCY K. - Spinoza's Revelation. Religion, Democracy, and Reason. ISBN 9780521830706.
Cambridge, University Press, 2004. Cloth with dustjacket. XXII, 256. As new. EUR 31.--

206. LÉVEQUE, RAPHAEL. - Le problème de la vérité dans la philosophie de Spinoza. Préface de M. Maurice Pradines, Professeur à la Faculté des Lettres. (Publications de la Faculté des Lettres de l'Université de Strasbourg. Fasc. 17).
Strasbourg, 1923. Modern cloth, frontcover mounted. X, 155 pp. EUR 25.--

207. LEVIN, DAN. - Spinoza, the young thinker who destroyed the past.
New York, Weybright and Talley, 1970. Orig. cloth with dustjacket. 338 pp. Very good copy. EUR 19.--

208. LEVY, LIA. - L'Automate spirituel. La subjectivé moderne d'après l'Ethique de Spinoza. ISBN 9789023235569.
Assen, Van Gorcum, 2000. Softcover. XII, 363 pp. NEW. EUR 40.--

209. LEVY, ZE'EV. - Baruch Spinoza. Seine Aufnahme durch die jüdischen Denker in Deutschland. ISBN 9783170158955.
Stuttgart, Kohlhammer, 2001. Softcover. 333 pp. EUR 20.--

210. LEVY, ZE'EV. - Baruch or Benedict. On some Jewish aspects of Spinoza's philosophy.
New York, Peter Lang, 1989. Hardcover, small handwritten name on inner frontcover. 224 pp. Very good copy. EUR 50.--

211. LLOYD, GENEVIEVE. - Part of Nature. Self-Knowledge in Spinoza's Ethics.
Ithaca, Cornell University Press, 1994. Cloth with dustjacket. 182 pp. As new. EUR 75.--

212. LOEWENHARDT, Dr. S.E. - Benedict von Spinoza in seinem Verhältniss zur Philosophie und Naturforschung der neueren Zeit.
Berlin, 1872. Modern cloth, orig frontcover mounted. XXV, 420 pp. Yellowing paper. Cornerpiece lacking from title. EUR 49.--

213. LORD, BETH. - Spinoza's Ethics.
Indiana, University Press, 2010. Softcover. 182 pp. Very good copy, clean no traces of use. EUR 15.--
~A concise introduction.

214. MACHEREY, PIERRE. - Introduction à l'Ethique de Spinoza. La cinquième partie. Les voies de la libération.
Paris, PUF, 1994. Orig. wraps, sewn. 230 pp. Very good copy. EUR 48.--
~First edition. French

215. MACK, MICHAEL. - Spinoza and the specters of modernity. The hidden enlightenment of diversity from Spinoza to Freud. ISBN 9781441118721.
New York, Continuum, 2010. Softcover. 222 pp. Very good copy. EUR 40.--

216. MAHLER, KARL. - Die Entstehung des Irrtums bei Descartes und bei Spinoza. Dissertation.
Leipzig, Druck von Oskar Heller, 1910. Orig. wraps. 46 pp. Slight foldingmark in title. With handwritten dedication. EUR 23.--

217. MANDELBAUM, MAURICE and EUGENE FREEMAN (eds.). - Spinoza. Essays in interpretation.
La Salle, Illinois, Open Court, 1975. Paperback, spine slightly discolored. 323 pp. Good copy. EUR 13.50
~14 essays. Among the authors: Stuart Hampshire, E.M. Curley, Robert McShea, Errol E. Harris. Many of these essays were first published in `The Monist', Volume 55, number 4, 1971.

218. MASON, RICHARD. - The God of Spinoza. A philosophical study. 1997.
Cambridge, University Press, 1997. Hardcover with dustjacket. Name former owner inner frontcover. XIV, 272 pp. Very good copy. EUR 35.--

219. MATHERON, ALEXANDRE. - Individu et communauté chez Spinoza.
Paris, Editions de Minuit, 1969. Broché (sewed). Spine slightly damaged. [VI], 647 pp. Name on first blanc. Internally good. EUR 80.--
~First edition.

220. MAUTHNER, FRITZ. - Spinoza. Ein Umriss seines Lebens und Wirkens. (11. bis 16. Auflage).
Dresden, 1922. Orig. halfcloth, edges worn. 157 pp. and portrait. Last flyleaf lacking. First quires partly detached. Still good copy. EUR 16.--

221. MCKEON, RICHARD. - The Philosophy of Spinoza: The Unity of His Thought. REPRINT.
Woodbridge, OX BOW PRESS, 1987. Green cloth. X, 345 pp. Owner's name on inner frontcover. Very good copy. EUR 25.--
~Originally published in 1928.

222. MCSHEA, J. - The political philosophy of Spinoza.
New York, Columbia University Press, 1968. Orig. cloth with slightly dam. dustjacket. X, 214 pp. Good copy. EUR 18.--
~First edition.

223. MÉCHOULAN, HENRY. - Etre juif à Amsterdam au temps de Spinoza. ISBN 2226055444.
Paris, Albin Michel, 1991. Small 8vo. Softcover. 184 pp. Name on fly-leaf, else very good and clean. EUR 24.--

224. MÉCHOULAN, HENRY and GÉRARD NAHON (eds.). - Mémorial I.-S. Révah Études sur le marranisme, l'heterodoxie juive et Spinoza (Collection de la Revue des Etudes Juives). ISBN 9789042908987.
Paris-Louvain, Peeters, 2001. Softcover. 560 pp. EUR 72.--
~Among the contr.: Pierre-Francois Moreau:Les prophètes des autres peuples. Note sur Juan de Prado et Spinoza; Jonathan Israel: Orobio de Castro and the early enlightenment; Henry Mechoulan: N'est pas Marrane celui qu'on croit.

225. MECKENSTOCK, GÜNTER. - Deterministische Ethik und kritische Theologie: Die Auseinandersetzung des frühen Schleiermacher mit Kant und Spinoza, 1789-1794 (Schleiermacher-Archiv) ISBN 9783110111552.
Berlin/New York, Walter de Gruyter, 1988. Hardcover. 244 pp. EUR 48.--

226. MEINSMA, K.O. - Spinoza en zijn Kring. Historisch-kritische studiën over Hollandsche vrijgeesten. Met inleiding van Dr. S.B.J. Zilverberg. 's-Gravenhage 1896. REPRINT. ISBN 9789061943624.
Utrecht, Hes Publishers, 1980. Orig. wraps. XXIV, 457, 22 pp. EUR 25.--
~Dutch language. Good copy

227. MELAMED, YITZHAK Y. and MICHAEL A. ROSENTHAL (eds.). - Spinoza's 'Theological-political Treatise'. A critical guide.
Cambridge, University Press, 2013. Paperback. XIV, 294 pp. EUR 28.--

228. MELAMED, YITZHAK Y. - Spinoza's Metaphysics: Substance and Thought.
New York, 2013. Hardcover with dustjacket. 264 pp. As new. EUR 110.--
~First edition.

229. MISRAHI, ROBERT. - Le corps et l'esprit dans la philosophie de Spinoza (Collection Les empecheurs de penser en rond).
Institut Synthe´labo, 1988. Paperback. 139 pp. Corner cut out halftitle. Else very good. EUR 8.--

230. MOLINU, NINO. - Ricerche Spinoziane.
Cagliari, CUEC Editrice, 1996. Paperback, minor traces of use. 257 pp.Clean copy. EUR 45.--
~Chapters: Plotino, Spinoza, Hegel; Modernità e spinozisme; il cominciamento in Hegel e Spinoza; Libertà, alienazione e utopia: Spinoza, Bloch e Lukács.

231. MOREAU, PIERRE-FRANÇOIS. - Spinoza et le Spinozisme (que sais-je?). 2003. Deuxième édition mise à jour. ISBN 9782130560043.
Paris, Presses Universitaires de France, 2007. Softcover. 125 pp. New. EUR 13.--

232. MOREAU, PIERRE-FRANÇOIS. - Spinoza. (Series: Ecrivains de toujours).
Paris, Seuil, [1975]. Softcover. 189 pp. Illustrated. Very good copy. EUR 23.--

233. MOREAU, PIERRE-FRANÇOIS. - Spinoza. L'expérience et l'éternité. ISBN 9782130451815.
Paris, Pressus Universitaires de France, 1994. Orig. wraps, sewn. Wraps slightly soiled. 612 pp. Partly loose, but condition internally very good. EUR 40.--
~First edition. French

234. MORFINO, VITTORIO. - Substantia sive organismus. Immagine e funzione teorica di Spinoza negli scritti jenesi di Hegel.
Milano, Guirini e Associati, 1997. Orig. wraps. 175 pp. EUR 18.--

235. NADLER, STEVEN (ed.). - Spinoza and Medieval Jewish Philosophy. ISBN 9781107037861.
Cambridge, University Press, 2014. Hardcover with dustjacket,. 260 pp. New book, but uppercorner slightly bumped during transport. EUR 60.--

236. NADLER, STEVEN. - A book Forged in Hell. Spinoza's scandalous treatise and the birth of the secular age. HARDCOVER.
Princeton, Oxford, Princetun University Press., 2011. Cloth with dustjacket. XX, 279 pp. Fine copy. EUR 30.--

237. NADLER, STEVEN. - Spinoza's Ethics. An Introduction (Cambridge Introductions to Key Philosophical Texts). ISBN 9780521836203.
Cambridge, University Press., 2006. Hardcover. XVIII, 300 pp. As new. EUR 68.--

238. NADLER, STEVEN. - Spinoza, A Life. Second (revised) edition.
Cambridge, University Press, 2018. Hardcover. XVIII, 432 pp. New. EUR 37.--

239. NADLER, STEVEN. - Spinoza, A Life. Second (revised) edition.
Cambridge, University Press, 2022. Paperback. XVIII, 432 pp. New. EUR 24.--
~The standard biography, now updated to draw on the latest archival discoveries, offers an engaging narrative of Spinoza's life and times and an accessible introduction to his radical ideas.

240. NEGRI, ANTONIO. - Subversive Spinoza. (Un)contemporary variations. Edited by Timothy S. Murphy. Transl. (from the Italian) by Timothy S. Murphy, Michael Hardt, Ted Stolze and Charles T. Wolfe.
Manchester - New York, Manchester Univ. Press, 2004. Paperback.124 pp. Very good copy. EUR 12.50
~English edition.

241. NEGRI, ANTONIO. - The savage anomaly. The power of Spinoza's metaphysics and politics. ISBN 9780816618767.
Minneapolis, Univ. of Minnesota Press, 1991. Hardcover. 277 pp. Small handwritten name of former owner on halftitle. Good copy. EUR 85.--
~Translated from the Italian by Michael Hardt.

242. NEUMARK, DAVI. - Essays in Jewish philosophy. A selection from the scattered essays, lectures and articles. (Cincinnati 1929). Ed. with a bibliography of the author's writings by Samuel S. Cohon. Reprint.
Amsterdam, APA, 1971. Orig. cloth.VI, 376 pp. As new. EUR 14.--
~Contains article: Crescas and Spinoza, about relations between the Tractatus theologico-politicus and Crescas' Or Adonoi. (pp. 301-346)

243. NORRIS, CHRISTOPHER. - Spinoza and the origins of modern critical theory.
Oxford, 1991. Paperback. VIII, 322 pp. Very good copy. EUR 15.--

244. NOURRISSON. - Spinoza et le naturalisme contemporain.
Paris, 1866. Cont. halfcloth with marbled boards. Slightly bumped corners. Marbled endpapers. XVII, 307 pp. Paper slightly browned. Very good. EUR 90.--
~Wolf 1095

245. NYDEN-BULLOCK, TAMMY. - Spinoza's radical Cartesian mind. Continuum Studies in Philosophy. ISBN 9780826485878.
London/New York, Continuum, 2007. Hardcover. XII, 164 pp. New. EUR 37.--

246. OITTINEN, VESA (ed.). - Spinoza in Nordic Countries - Spinoza im Norden (Philosophical Studies from the University of Helsinki 5).
Helsinki, 2004. Softcover. 281 pp. Very good copy. EUR 39.--
~English, German Among the contributors: Olli Koistinen, Manfred Walther, Carola Häntsch, Carl-Göran Heidegren, Kari Väyrynen and Igor Kaufman. Scandinavia, Russia, Sweden, Denmark, Finland, Norway.

247. OSSADNIK, FLORIAN. - Spinoza und der wissenschaftliche Atheismus des 21. Jahrhunderts. Ethische und politische Konsequenzen frühaufklärischer und gegenwärtiger Religionskritik.
Weimar, VDG, 2011. Softcover. 143 pp. EUR 21.--
~The author investigates the similarities between the `Religionskritik' of Spinoza and contemporary thinkers like Richard Dawkins, Sam Harris and Michael Schmidt-Salomon.

248. PARENS, JOSHUA. - Maimonides & Spinoza. Their conflicting views of human nature.
Chicago/London, Univ. of Chicago Press, 2012. Hardcover with dustjacket. Minor scratches at dustjacket. 226 pp. Book itself as new. EUR 34.--
~Until the last century, it was generally agreed that Maimonides was a great defender of Judaism, and Spinoza - as an Enlightenment advocate for secularization - among its key opponents. However, a new scholarly consensus has recently emerged that the teachings of the two philosophers were in fact much closer than was previously thought. In his perceptive new book, Joshua Parens sets out to challenge the now predominant view of Maimonides as a protomodern forerunner to Spinoza - and to show that a chief reason to read Maimonides is in fact to gain distance from our progressively secularized worldview. Turning the focus from Spinoza's oft-analyzed Theologico-Political Treatise , this book has at its heart a nuanced analysis of his theory of human nature in the Ethics. Viewing this work in contrast to Maimonides' Guide of the Perplexed , it makes clear that Spinoza can no longer be thought of as the founder of modern Jewish identity, nor should Maimonides be thought of as having paved the way for a modern secular worldview. Maimonides and Spinoza dramatically revises our understanding of both philosophers.

249. Pätzold, Detlev. - Spinoza - Aufklärung - Idealismus. Die Substanz der Moderne. Zweite erweiterte Auflage. ISBN 9789023237808.
Assen, van Gorcum, 2002. Softcover. 224 pp. New. EUR 10.--
~Text in German

250. PIGUET, J. CLAUDE. - Le dieu de Spinoza. ISBN 2830901045.
Geneve, Editions Labor et fides, 1987. Softcover, broché. 134 pp. Fine copy. EUR 41.--

251. POLKA, BRAYTON. - Between Philosophy and Religion: Spinoza, the Bible, and Modernity. Vol. 2: Politics and Ethics. ISBN 9780739116036.
UK, Lexington Books, 2007. Hardcover. 335 pp. Very good condition. EUR 44.10

252. POLLOCK, FREDERICK. - Spinoza. His life and philosophy. Second edition.
London, 1899. Orig. green cloth, spine slightly discolored. Uppercorners slightly worn. Handwritten name inner frontcover. 427 pp. Gilt top. Internally very good. EUR 30.--

253. POPKIN, RICHARD H.- Spinoza (Oneworld Philosophers Series).
Oxford, Oneworld, 2004. Paperback. 153 pp. Very good copy. EUR 10.--
~English language

254. PRÉPOSIET, JEAN (Preposiet, Préposiet). - Spinoza et la liberté des hommes.
No place, Gallimard, 1967. Orig. wraps, some foxingspots, spine discolored, small sticker on backwrapper. 315 pp. Internally clean and good. 12mo. EUR 32.--
~French language. Les essais, CXXXV

255. PRÜMERS, WALTHER. - Spinozas Religionsbegriff. (Dissert.).
Halle a.d.S., Druck von Ehrhardt Karras, 1906. Orig. selfwraps. 2, 44 pp. EUR 9.--

256. RABENORT, WILLIAM LOUIS. - Spinoza as educator. Columbia Univ. 1911. Reprint.
New York, AMS Press, 1972. Orig. cloth. 87 pp. Name on inner frontcover. Else fine. EUR 30.--

257. RAVVEN, HEIDI M. and LENN E. GOODMAN (eds.). - Jewish themes in Spinoza's philosophy. ISBN 9780791453094.
Albany, State University of New York Press, 2002. Hardcover. 290 pp. New. EUR 50.--
~Among the contributions: L.E. Goodmann: What does Spinoza's Ethics contribute to Jewish Philosophy? E.M. Curley: Maimonides, Spinoza, and the Book of Job. Warren Montag: "That Hebrew word", Spinoza and the concept of the Shekhinah".

258. RAVVEN, HEIDI M. and LENN E. GOODMAN (eds.). - Jewish themes in Spinoza's philosophy. ISBN 9780791453100.
Albany, State University of New York Press, 2002. Softcover. 290 pp. EUR 22.50
~Among the contributions: L.E. Goodmann: What does Spinoza's Ethics contribute to Jewish Philosophy? E.M. Curley: Maimonides, Spinoza, and the Book of Job. Warren Montag: "That Hebrew word", Spinoza and the concept of the Shekhinah".

259. RENSI, GIUSEPPE. - Spinoza. (Storia universale della filosofia, vol.40). 2nd ed.
Milano, 1944. Orig. wraps., spine creased, some foxing. V, 195 pp. Yellowing paper, Slight foxing. EUR 15.--
~Text in Italian

260. REVAH, I.S. - Spinoza et Juan de Prado.
Paris / La Haye, Mouton & co., 1959. Orig. wraps. Slight traces of wear to wrappers.163 pp. Uppercorner sl. bumped. Else internally very good. Clean, no name, underlining, stamp etc. EUR 49.--
~French language

261. RICCI, SAVERIO. - Bruno spinozista, Bruno martire luterano. La polemica tra Lacroze e Heumann. Offprint of: Giornale Critico della Filosofia Italiana Anno LXV (LXVII). Fasc. I - Gennaio-Aprile 1986.
Firenze, G.C. Sansoni Editore, 1986. Orig. wraps. 61 pp. EUR 18.--
~On Giordano Bruno `the spinozist and the Lutheran martyr', the polemic between Lacroze and Heumann. In Italian

262. RÖHR, WERNER (ed.). - Spinoza im Osten. Systematische und rezeptionsgeschichtliche Studien.
Berlin, Edition Organon, 2005. Softcover. 171 pp. New. EUR 33.--
~German language. Focus is mainly on Spinoza-reception in Poland. Other contributions: Endre Kiss on Spinoza on Hungarian philosophy and Andrej Maidanski about Russian 20-cent. Spinozists.

263. ROSENTHAL, H.M. - The Consolations of Philosophy: Hobbes's Secret; Spinoza's Way. Edited, with an Introduction, by A.L. Rosenthal..
Philadelphia, Temple University Press, 1989. Hardcover with dustjacket, dustj. slightly dam. X, 211 pp. Very good copy. EUR 21.--

264. ROTENSTREICH, NATHAN and NORMA SCHNEIDER (eds.). - Spinoza. His thought and work. Entretiens in Jerusalem 6-9 September 1977.
Jerusalem, 1983. Orig. cloth. 187 pp. As new. EUR 14.--
~Among the contributions: Arne Naess: Spinoza and attitudes towards nature. L. Kolakowski: Spinoza: Selbstmord oder Selbsterhaltungsmetaphysik? Richard McKeon: The background of Spinoza. E. Levinas: Réponse au Professeur McKeon. S. Pines: On Spinoza's conception of human freedom and good and evil.

265. ROTHKAMM, JAN. - Institutio Oratoria: Bacon, Descartes, Hobbes, Spinoza. ISBN 9789004173286.
Leiden, Brill, 2009. Hardback. X, 256 pp. New. EUR 92.--

266. ROTTNER, ELI. - Spinoza in Israel. Eine kritische Betrachtung.
Nieuwkoop, 1979. Paperback. 216 pp. Illustr. Good copy. EUR 8.--

267. ROUSSET, BERNARD. - L'Immanence de le salut. Regards spinozistes. Préface d'Andre Tosel.
Paris, Editions Kimé, 2000. Softcover. 256 pp. Used. Some pen-annotations and -underlinings. EUR 18.--

268. RUNES, DAGOBERT D. - Spinoza dictionary. With a foreword by Albert Einstein.
New York, 1951. Orig. cloth, with dustjacket. Wear to ends of spine. Dustj. damaged.(12), 308 pp. Good copy. EUR 30.--

269. SAAR, MARTIN. - Die Immanenz der Macht. Politische Theorie nach Spinoza. Suhrkamp Taschenbuch Wissenschaft. ISBN 9783518296547.
Berlin, Surhkamp Verlag, 2013. Paperback. 459 pp. New. EUR 18.--

270. SAMELY, ALEXANDER. - Spinozas Theorie der Religion. Schriftenreihe der Spinoza-Gesellschaft. Bd.2. ISBN 9783884797938.
Würzburg, Koenigshausen & Neumann, 1993. Softcover. 107 pp. EUR 16.--

271. SCHAARSCHMIDT. - Des Cartes und Spinoza. Urkundliche Darstellung der Philosophie Beider.
Bonn, Adolph Marcus, 1850. Cont. halfcloth. Some slight wear. [VIII], 204, [1] pp. Blindstamped ex-libris flyleaf. Some slight browning. Good copy. EUR 150.--
~Wolf 1132. Vd Linde 311. Descartes

272. SCHEWE, MARTIN and ACHIM ENGSTLER (eds.). - Spinoza. (Auslegungen 2). ISBN 9783631418437.
Frankfurt am Main, Peter Lang, 1990. Softcover. 370 pp. As new. EUR 27.--
~Text in German and English. Among the contributors: Kuno Fischer, Leo Baeck, Jacob Freudenthal, Carl Gebhardt, Harry Wolfson, Rainer Specht, Konrad Hecker, Theun de Vries

273. SCHNEPF, ROBERT. - Metaphysik im ersten Teil der Ethik Spinozas. (Schriftenreihe der Spinoza-Gesellschaft Band 4). ISBN 9783826011764.
Würzburg, Königshausen & Neumann, 1996. Softcover. 295 pp. Very good copy. EUR 40.--

274. SCHÜRMANN, EVA; NORBERT WASZEK and FRANK WEINREICH. - Spinoza im Deutschland des achtzehnten Jahrhunderts. Zur Erinnerung an Hans-Christian Lucas. ISBN 9783772820274.
Stuttgart, Frommann-Holzboog, 2002. Orig. cloth. 593 pp. New. EUR 85.--
~Among the contributions: Hans Christian Lucas: Baruch de Spinoza als Dorn im Fleisch der Orthodoxie; Wolfgang Bartuschat: Leibniz als Kritiker Spinozas; Ursula Goldenbaum: Mendelssohns schwierige Beziehung zu Spinoza; Oswald Bayer: Spinoza im Gespräch zwischen Hamann und Jacobi.

275. SCHWARTZ, DANIEL. - The first modern Jew. Spinoza and the history of an image. ISBN 9780691142913.
Princeton, University Press, 2012. Hardcover with dustjacket. XVI, 270 pp. As new. EUR 43.--

276. SEIDEL, HELMUT. - Baruch de Spinoza zur Einführung.
Hamburg, 1994. Orig. wraps. 141 pp. EUR 10.--

277. SÉROUYA, HENRI. - Spinoza. Sa vie, sa philosophie. Nouvelle édition. Revue et augmentée.
Paris, 1947. Orig. wraps. 257 pp. And 32 plates. EUR 10.80

278. SHARP, HASANA and JASON E. SMITH (eds.). - Between Hegel and Spinoza. A volume of critical essays. ISBN 9781441184047.
London, Continuum, 2012. Hardcover. 224 pp. New. EUR 70.--

279. SHARP, HASANA. - Spinoza And The Politics Of Renaturalization. ISBN 9780226750743.
Chicago, University Press, 2011. Hardcover with dustjacket. 240 pp. As new. EUR 90.--

280. SHEPPARD, EUGENE R. - Leo Strauss and the Politics of Exile: The Making of a Political Philosopher.
Waltham, 2006. Hardcover with dustjacket. XII, 191 pp. Very good copy. EUR 20.--

281. SIEBRAND, H.J. - Spinoza and the Netherlanders. An inquiry into the early reception of his philosophy of religion. (Dissertation). ISBN 9789023223191.
Assen, Van Gorcum, 1988. Hardcover. X, 239 pp Small brown stain on blanc flyleaves. Else very good. EUR 40.--

282. SIGWART, CHRISTOPH. - Über den Zusammenhang des Spinozismus mit der Cartesianischen Philosophie. Ein philosophischer Versuch. (1816). Reprint.
Aalen, Scientia Verlag, 1974. Softcover. VII, 152 pp. 17x11.5 cm. New. EUR 18.--

283. SIGWART, H.C.W. - Der Spinozismus, historisch und philosophisch erläutert, mit Beziehung auf ältere und neuere Ansichten. 1839. Reprint..
Aalen, Scientia Verlag, 1974. Hardcover. IV,267 pp. New. EUR 28.50

284. SIGWART, H.C.W. - Vergleichung der Rechts- und Staatstheorien des B. Spinoza und des T. Hobbes, nebst Betrachtungen über das Verhältnis zwischen dem Staat und der Kirche. (1842). Reprint.
Aalen, Scientia Verlag, 1974. Softcover. VI, 153 pp. New. EUR 19.--
~(Neudr. der Ausg. Tübingen 1842)

285. SIWEK, PAUL. - Spinoza et le panthéisme religieux.
Paris, 1937. Orig. wraps. 295 pp. EUR 15.--

286. SLEE, J.C. VAN. - De Rijnsburger collegianten. Haarlem 1895. Reprint.
Utrecht, Hes, 1980. Paperback. 455 pp. Illustr. Goed exemplaar. EUR 10.--
~Language: Dutch

287. SMITH, NORMAN KEMP. - Studies in the Cartesian philosophy.
London, 1902. Orig. cloth, some slight wear to ends of spine and corners. XIV, 276 pp. Very good copy. EUR 50.--
~Chapter IV: The Cartesian principles in Spinoza and Leibniz.

288. SMITH, STEVEN B. - Spinoza, Liberalism, and the Question of Jewish Identity.
New Haven, Yale University Press, 1997. Softcover. XVIII, 270 pp. EUR 11.--

289. SPIEGLER, JULIUS S. - Geschichte der Philosophie des Judenthums nach den neuesten Forschungen dargestellt. Leipzig 1890. Reprint.
Leipzig, 1971. Orig. cloth. XIII,369 pp. Very good. EUR 15.--
~German "Unveränderter fotomechanischer Nachdruck der Originalausgabe". Chapters on Spinoza: pp. 318-344. Among them: "Spinoza's Lehre wurzelt in der Kabbala".

290. SPRIGGE, T. L. S. - The God of Metaphysics: Being a study of the metaphysics and religious doctrines of Spinoza, Kierkegaard, T.H. Green, Bernard Bosanquet, Josiah Royce, A.N. Whitehead, Charles Hartshorne, and concluding with a defence of pantheistic idealism.
Oxford, Clarendon Press, 2006. Hardcover. XX, 576 pp. EUR 80.--
~Can philosophy offer reasonable grounds for the existence of a God as the centre of actual faith, rather than just a theoretical Absolute? This magnum opus explores the metaphysical systems of a diverse range of philosophers from Spinoza to the early 20th century, and offers a compelling new defence of a highly unfashionable Idealist worldview.

291. STARCKE, C.N. - Baruch de Spinoza. Ins Deutsche übertragen von K. Hellwig.
Copenhagen, 1923. Orig. wraps. 392 pp. with portrait. EUR 10.--

292. STEENBAKKERS, PIET. - Spinoza's Ethica from manuscript to print. Studies on text, form and related topics. (Dissertation). ISBN 9789023229636.
Assen, van Gorcum, 1994. Softcover. 212 pp. New. EUR 21.--
~Chapters on the editorial history of the Opera Posthuma, accent-marks in Neo-Latin, Lodewijk Meyer's catalogue of the passions (1670), text of Ethica part V and: Ordo Geometricus: shell or kernel?

293. STENZEL, JÜRGEN. - Philosophie als Antimetaphysik. Zum Spinozabild Constantin Brunners. Schriftenreihe der Spinoza-Gesellschaft Bd. 10.
Würzburg, Konigshausen & Neumann, 2002. Softcover. 522 pp. New. EUR 23.--

294. STEWART, MATTHEW. - The Courtier and the Heretic. Leibniz, Spinoza and the fate of God in the modern world. ISBN 9780393329179.
New York/London, W.W. Norton, 2006. Paperback. 351 pp. Good copy. EUR 9.--

295. STEWART, MATTHEW. - The Courtier and the Heretic. Leibniz, Spinoza and the fate of God in the modern world. ISBN 9780393058987.
New York/London, W.W. Norton, 2006. Hardcover with dustjacket. 351 pp. Very good copy. EUR 14.--

296. STEWART, MATTHEW. - Nature's God. The heretical origins of the American Republic.
New York/London, W.W. Norton, 2014. Paperback. X, 566 pp. New. EUR 17.--

297. STOCKUM, TH.C. VAN. - Spinoza - Jacobi - Lessing. Ein Beitrag zur Geschichte der deutschen Literatur und Philosophie im 18. Jahrhundert. (Dissert. Rijksuniversiteit Groningen).
Groningen, 1916. Orig. wraps. Spine damaged. 108 pp. Some folding. EUR 24.--
~Text in German. Propositions in Dutch.

298. STRAUSS, LEO. - Hobbes's Critique of Religion and Related Writings. Translated (from the German) and edited by Gabriel Bartlett and Svetozar Minkov.
Chigago, University Press, 2011. Hardcover with dustjacket. Dustj. with minor wear. XIV, 165 pp. Very good copy. EUR 34.--

299. STRAUSS, LEO. - Leo Strauss. The early writings (1921-1932). Translated and edited by Michael Zank. ISBN 0791453308.
New York, State University of New York Press, 2002. Softcover. 238 pp. EUR 25.--
~Contains English translation of a.o. 3 articles on Spinoza with notes and introduction: Cohen's analysis of Spinoza's Bible Science (1924), On the bible science of Spinoza and his precursors (1926) and The Testament of Spinoza (1932). It does not contain the translation of `Die Religionskritik Spinozas [...]' (1930)

300. SUTCLIFFE, ADAM. - Judaism and Enlightenment (Ideas in Context).
Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 2003. Paperback. 314 pp. Very good copy. EUR 35.--
~With chapters on religious dissent and debate in Sephardi Amsterdam; Judaism in Spinoza and his circle; Spinoza Messiah of the Enlightenment? This major contribution to the history of European ideas investigates the philosophical and political significance of Judaism in the intellectual life of seventeenth and eighteenth century Europe. Judaism and Enlightenment will interest scholars both of Jewish history and of toleration, enlightenment, and the emergence of modernity (publisher's text).

301. THIJSSEN-SCHOUTE, C. LOUISE. - Nederlands Cartesianisme (avec sommaire et table des matières en francais).
Amsterdam, Noord-hollandsche Uitgeversmaatschappij, 1954. Orig. paper wrappers. VIII, 742 pp. Lichte vouwsporen in bovenhoek. Goed exemplaar. EUR 15.--
~In Dutch

302. THIJSSEN-SCHOUTE, C. LOUISE. - Nederlands Cartesianisme (avec sommaire et table des matières en francais). Amsterdam 1954. REPRINT. Bezorgd en van aanvullende bibliografie voorzien door Th. Verbeek.
Utrecht, Hes Uitgevers BV, 1989. Orig. cloth. XXIV, 742 pp. As new. EUR 34.--
~In Dutch

303. TIMMERMANS, BERNARDUS. - Le Spinozisme de Maeterlinck (Dissertation).
Zaltbommel, 1924. Or. wraps, spine repaired. XII, 196 pp. Leaf with `stellingen' loosely inserted. stamp on title. Some slight foldingmarks. EUR 60.--
~Text in French

304. TROJMAN AIM, PATRICIA. - Les Sources hébraïques de la joie et de la perséverence dans l'être chez Spinoza. (Thèse de doctorat).
Lille, 1998. Softcover. 388 pp. New. EUR 43.--

305. VALENTINER, W.R. - Rembrandt and Spinoza: a Study of the Spiritual Conflicts in Seventeenth-Century Holland..
London, Phaidon Press, 1957. Orig. cloth with dustjacket. 87 pp. Illustr. Slight damage to dustj. on top. Top-edge slightly foxed. Else very good. EUR 33.--

306. VANDENBOSSCHE, H. and E. WALRAVENS. - De politieke filosofie van Spinoza. La philosophie politique de Spinoza. Frans Hemsterhuis. Tijdschrift voor de studie van de verlichting. 6de jaargang - 1978, Nrs. 1-4.
1978. Orig. wraps, slight traces of use frontcover. 333 pp. Internally very good. EUR 30.--
~Contains speeches of a congress organised by `Centrum voor de Studie van der Verlichting' on the political philosophy of Spinoza. Contributions in French, Dutch and German. Among the contributions: Alexandre Matheron: Spinoza et la propriete. Also contributions by Klaus Hammacher, Alexandre Matheron, Sylvain Zac, Robert Misrahi.

307. VARDOULAKIS, DIMITRIS (ed.). - Spinoza Now.
Minneapolis, London, 2011. Paperback. 375 pp. As new. EUR 20.--
~Broadly interdisciplinary volume. Among the contributors: Alain Badiou, Mieke Bal, Cesare Casarino, Alexander Garcia Düttmann, Arthur J. Jacobson, Michael Mack and Antonio Negri.

308. WALTHER, MANFRED. - Metaphysik als Anti-Theologie. Die Philosophie Spinozas im Zusammenhang der religionsphilosophischen Problematik.
Hamburg, Felix Meiner Verlag, 1971. Softcover. 175 pp. Lower corner slightly bumped. Very good copy. EUR 40.--

309. WALTHER, MANFRED (ed.). - Spinoza und der deutsche Idealismus (Schriftenreihe der Spinoza-Gesellschaft Band 1).
Würzburg, Königshausen & Neumann, 1991. Softcover. Minor folding of backcover, else very good. 202 pp. EUR 30.--

310. WAWRYTKO, SANDRA A. - The Undercurrent of Feminine Philosophy in Eastern and Western Thought.
Washington, 1981. Paperback, wraps. slightly discolored. XXIV, 357 pp. EUR 50.--
~Part III: `Spinozism as a feminine philosophy'.

311. WEDDE, HERWIG. - Elemente des erkenntnistheoretischen Idealismus bei Spinoza. Eine historisch-kritische Abhandlung. (Dissertation at the University of Jena).
Jena, 1910. Orig. wraps with small repair. 80 pp. Blindstamped ex-libris. Paper slightly browned, A few underlinings in blue pencil. EUR 65.--

312. WEISSENBORN, GEORG. - Vorlesungen über Pantheismus und Theismus.
Marburg, 1859. Orig. paper boards. Spine dam. and repaired with tape. VIII, 243 pp. Librarystamp on title: Bibliotheek vereen. doopsg. gemeente Amsterdam. Some brown age-staining. Good copy. EUR 140.--
~Oko pp. 446.

313. WENZEL, ALFRED. - Die Weltanschauung Spinozas. 1.(einziger) Band: Spinozas Lehre von Gott, von der menschlichen Erkenntnis und von dem Wesen der Dinge. Neudruck der Ausgabe Leipzig 1907.
Aalen, Scientia Verlag, 1983. Hardcover. VIII,479 pp. New. EUR 53.--

314. WERTHEIM, DAVID J. - Salvation through Spinoza. A Study of Jewish Culture in Weimar Germany. ISBN 9789004207219.
Leiden, Brill, 2011. Hardcover. 240 pp. New. EUR 105.--
~"In recapturing this forgotten chapter in the history of Spinozism, this book sheds an original light on Weimar Germany's reknown Jewish culture".

315. WERTHEIM, DAVID J. - Cherishing a Heretic, The Jews of Weimar Germany and their Celebration of Spinoza. (Thesis).
No place (Utrecht), No publisher, 2005. Orig. wraps. 186 pp., illustrated. Minor bump lower corner. Else very good. EUR 10.--
~Leaflet with thesis-propositions loosely inserted (as issued).

316. WETLESEN, J. - The sage and the way. Spinoza's ethics of freedom. ISBN 9023215966.
Assen, 1979. Orig. cloth with dustjacket. 474 pp. As new. EUR 140.--

317. WIELEMA, MICHIEL. - The march of the libertines - Spinozists and the Dutch Reformed Church (1660-1750)..
Hilversum, Uitgeverij Verloren, 2004. Softbound (sewn). 221 pp. with illustrations. EUR 27.--
~Spinoza - History

318. WILBUR, JAMES B. (ed.). - Spinoza's metaphysics. Essays in critical appreciation. ISBN 9789023213611.
Assen, 1976. Softcover. VII, 163 pp. Good copy. EUR 13.--

319. WOOLHOUSE, R.S. - Descartes, Spinoza, Leibniz. The concept of substance in seventeenth-century metaphysics.
New York, Routledge, 1993. Orig. cloth. 214 pp. Frontcover with small airbubble. Else very good. EUR 45.--
~First edition. No dustjacket.

320. WULF, JAN-HENDRIK. - Spinoza in der jüdischen Aufklärung. Baruch Spinoza als diskursive Grenzfigur des Jüdischen und Nichtjüdischen in den Texten der Haskala von Moses Mendelssohn bis Salomon Rubin und in frühen zionistischen Zeugnissen. ISBN 9783050052205.
Oldenbourg, Akademie-Verlag, 2012. Hardcover. 622 pp. New. EUR 93.--
~German language. Title translates: Spinoza in the Jewish enlightenment.

321. YOSHIDA, KAZUHIKO. - Vernunft und Affektivität. (Schriftenreihe der Spinoza-Gesellschaft Band 12).
Würzburg, Königshausen & Neumann, 2004. Softcover. 207 pp. As new. EUR 20.--

322. YOVEL, YIRMIYAHU (ed.). - Spinoza on knowledge and the human mind. Jerusalem Conferences II. ISBN 9789004099814.
Leiden, Brill, 1994. Orig. cloth with dustjacket. 244 pp. Very good copy. EUR 65.--

323. YOVEL, YIRMIYAHU. - Spinoza and other heretics. Vol. 2: The adventures of Immanence. Princeton 1989. Repr. with corrections and a new afterword by the author.
Princeton, 1989. Cloth with dustjacket.XVI, 231 pp. Upper-edge foxed. Good copy. EUR 40.--

324. YOVEL, YIRMIYAHU. - Spinoza and other heretics. Complete set in 2 volumes. Vol.1: The Marrano of reason. 9780691073446 Vol. 2: The adventures of immanence. 9780691073460 Hardcover.
Princeton, University Press, 1989. Cloth, slightly discolored. Dustj. lacking. Small handwritten name inner frontcover. XIII, 244 pp. XXVI, 225 pp. Good set. Price is for 2 volumes together. EUR 60.--
~First edition.

325. YOVEL, YIRMIYAHU and GIDEON SEGAL (eds.). - Spinoza on Reason and the "Free Man". Ethica 4 (Spinoza by 2000, the Jerusalem Conferences).
New York, Little Room Press, 2004. Softcover.256 pp. Fine copy. EUR 25.--
~This latest volume in the Spinoza by 2000 series contains papers from leading scholars on Book IV of the Ethics, including Garber, Della Roca, Brinker, Bove, and Yovell. In this volume, Spinoza's understanding of the relation between reason and passion and the nature of human perfectibility are explored in depth, as is Spinoza's place within the history of philosophy and his relation to other components of early modern thought.

326. YOVEL, YIRMIYAHU. - Spinoza and other heretics. Complete set in 2 volumes. Vol.1: The Marrano of reason. Vol. 2: The adventures of immanence.
Princeton, University Press, 1989. Paperbacks. XIII, 244 pp. XXVI, 225 pp. Handwritten name in vol. 1. EUR 55.--
~First edition.

327. ZAC, SYLVAIN. - La Morale de Spinoza. First edition.
Paris, PUF, 1959. Orig. wraps.116 pp. Occasional pencil-annotations and underlinings. 6 pages contain pen-underlinings. Some staining to titlepage. Else good. EUR 35.--

328. ZWEERMAN, THEO. - L'introduction à la philosophie selon Spinoza. Une analyse structurelle de l'introduction du Traité de la réforme de l'entendement, suivie d'un commentaire de ce texte. ISBN 9061864917 or 902322800.
Leuven, University Press, 1993. Softcover. XXIV, 282 pp. EUR 29.--
~French translation by the author of his dissertation in Dutch at the University of Louvain, 1983.

Related Seventeenth Century-Authors, modern studies and reprints

329. [BAYLE, PIERRE] - BOST, HUBERT. - Un "intellectuel" avant la lettre: Le journaliste Pierre Bayle (1647-1706). L'actualité religieuse dans les `Nouvelles de la République des lettres (1684-1687). (SIB 23).
Amsterdam, APA - Holland University Press, 1994. Cloth. XII, 584 pp. New. EUR 45.--
~French language

330. [BAYLE, PIERRE] - BOTS, HANS (ed.). - Critical spirit, wisdom and erudition on the eve of the enlightenment. Critique, savoir et érudition à la veille des lumières le `Dictionaire Historique et Critique' de Pierre Bayle (1647-1706). Actes du colloque international, Nimègue, octobre 1996. ISBN 9030210389.
Amsterdam, APA - Holland University Press, 1998. Orig. wraps. X, 420 pp. As new. EUR 34.--
~Contains article by Gianluca Mori: Benedictus de Spinoza: athée vertueux, athée de systeme, with appendix listing all passages in Bayle's work and correspondence where Spinoza, Spinoziste or Spinozisme is mentioned. Most contributions in French

331. [BAYLE, PIERRE] - LIESHOUT, H.H.M. VAN. - The making of Pierre Bayle's Dictionaire Historique et Critique. With a CD-rom containing the dictionaire's library and reference between articles. ISBN 9789030210405.
Amsterdam, APA - Holland University Press, 2001. Cloth. XXVI, 339 pp. New. EUR 52.--

332. [BAYLE] - BUNGE, WIEP VAN and HANS BOTS. - Pierre Bayle (1647-1706), Le Philosophe De Rotterdam - Philosophy, Religion and Reception: Selected Papers of the Tercentenary Conference Held at Rotterdam, 7-8 December 2006. ISBN 9789004165366.
Leiden, Brill, 2008. Hardcover. VI, 274 pp. As new. EUR 99.--
~This book contains 15 essays on the philosophy, theology and reception of Pierre Bayle, who has been rediscovered as one of the key authors of the early Enlightenment.

333. COLERUS (Johannes Koehler) and JEAN-MAXIMILIEN LUCAS.- Le vite di Spinoza. Seguite da alcuni frammenti dalla Prefazione di Jarig Jelles alle Opere Postume. A cura di Roberto Bordoli. Prefazione di Filippo Mignini. 9788874625444.
Macerata, Quodlibet, 2015. Softcover. 174 pp. Some pencil-marks in index at the end. EUR 9.90
~The biographies of Colerus and Lucas in Italian translation with notes.

334. COORNHERT, D.V. - Zedekunst dat is wellevenskunste vermids waarheyds kennisse vanden mensche, vande zonden ende vande dueghden nu alder eerst beschreven int neerlandsch. Uitgegeven en van aanteekeningen voorzien door Prof. Dr. B. Becker.
Utrecht, Hes Publishers, 1982. Hardcover. XXXIV, 527 pp. Lichte roestplekjes op snedes en eerste bladzijdes. Verder keurig. EUR 20.--
~Orignial Dutch text from1586. Unchanged reprint from Brill edition 1942. Deel XXV uit serie: Utrechtse Herdrukken

335. DA COSTA, URIEL. - Die Schriften des Uriel da Costa. Mit Einleitung, übertragung und Regesten herausgegeben von Carl Gebhardt (Bibliotheca Spinozana 2.).
Amsterdam, 1922. Blanc paper (publisher's) wraps. XL,286 pp. Some foxing. Partly unopened. Good copy. EUR 37.--
~Contains a.o. the original texts: `Propostas contra a Tradicao, Sobre a Mortalidade da Alma' and `Exemplar Humanae Vitae' all with German translations.

336. [DA COSTA, URIEL] - KASTEIN, JOSEF. - Uriel da Costa oder die Tragödie der Gesinnung.
Berlin, 1932. Or. wrps, loose. 340 pp. And 12 plates. EUR 9.--

337. DA COSTA, URIEL- PROIETTI. - Uriel da Costa e l'«Exemplar humanae vitae». Testo latino, traduzione italiana, commento storico-filologico. Omero Proietti.
Macerata, Quodlibet., 2005. Softcover. 287 pp. New. EUR 22.--
~Bilingual edition: Original Latin with Italian translation on facing pages. Spinozana.

338. [DESCARTES] - THIJSSEN-SCHOUTE, C. LOUISE. - Uit de republiek der letteren. Elf studiën op het gebied der ideeëngeschiedenis van de gouden eeuw.
's Gravenhage, Dr. C. Luoise Thijssen-Schoute Stichting, 1967. Orig. cloth with dustjacket.XX, 276 pp. and 2 plates. A very good copy. EUR 15.--
~In Dutch. Contains bibliography of Jan Hendrik Glazemaker. Articles (a.o.) on Rabelais, Descartes, Colvius, Pierre Bayle, Hermanus Lufneu and Lodewijk Meyer

339. [DESCARTES] - VERBEEK, THEO. - Descartes and the Dutch: Early Reactions to Cartesian Philosophy 1637-1650.
US, Southern Illinois University Press, 1992. Hardcover. 168 pp. Very good copy. EUR 41.--
~provides the first book-length examination of the initial reception of Descartes's written works. Drawing on his research of primary materials written in Dutch and Latin and found in libraries all over Europe, even including the Soviet Union, Theo Verbeek opens a period of Descartes's life and of the development of Cartesian philosophy that has been virtually closed since Descartes's death. Verbeek's aim is to provide as complete a picture as possible of the discussions that accompanied the introduction of Descartes's philosophy into Dutch universities, especially those in Utrecht and Leiden, and to analyze some of the major problems that philosophy raised in the eyes of Aristotelian philosophers and orthodox theologians. The period covered extends from 1637, the year in which Descartes published his Discours de la Methode, until his death in 1650.

340. DUIJKERIUS, JOHANNES (DUYKERIUS). - Het Leven Van Philopater En Vervolg Van't Leven Van Philopater: Een Spinozistische Sleutelroman Uit 1691/1697 Opniew Uitgegeven en van een inleiding en noten voorzien door Geraldine Maréchal.
Amsterdam/Atlanta, Rodopi, 1991. Orig. wraps. 215 pp. Good. EUR 9.--
~A reprint of the Dutch Spinozistic novel published in 2 vols. in 1691 and 1697. The original Dutch 17th century-text is accompanied by many explanatory notes. See Bamberger 85.

341. ENDEN, FRANCISCUS VAN DEN. - Vrije Politijke Stellingen. (politieke stellingen). Met een inleiding van Dr. W. Klever. ISBN 9789028416215.
Amsterdam, Wereldbibliotheek, 1992. Softcover. 249 pp. EUR 35.--
~The original seventeenth century Dutch text with introduction and commentary in modern Dutch.

342. ENDEN, FRANCISCUS VAN DEN. - Free political propositions and considerations of state (1665). Text in translation, the relevant biographical documents and a selection from `Kort Verhael'. Introduced, presented and commented on by Wim Klever.
Vrijstad, Wim Klever, 2007. Wraps. 214 pp. EUR 46.--
~English translation of "Vrije politijke Stellingen". Published by the author

343. ENDEN, FRANCISCUS VAN DEN. - Vrije staatkundige stellingen.
Noordboek filosofie, 2022. Paperback. 128 pp. New. EUR 18.20
~The 17th century Dutch text "Vrye Polityke Stellingen en consideratieën van Staat" translated into modern Dutch. De Vrije staatkundige stellingen, anoniem verschenen in 1665, vormen een belangrijke Nederlandse bijdrage aan de Radicale Verlichting. De auteur was een leermeester en vriend van Spinoza. Deze opmerkelijke tekst verschijnt nu voor het eerst in modern Nederlands, met een inleiding en verklarende noten van vertaler C.L. Vermeulen.

344. [HOBBES] - STRAUSS, LEO. - Hobbes's Critique of Religion and Related Writings. Translated (from the German) and edited by Gabriel Bartlett and Svetozar Minkov.
Chigago, University Press, 2011. Hardcover with dustjacket. Dustj. with minor wear. XIV, 165 pp. Very good copy. EUR 34.--

345. JELLES, JARIG - LEEN SPRUIT. - Professione della fede universale e cristiana, contenuta in una lettera a N.N. - Belydenisse des algemeenen en christelyken geloofs, vervattet in een Brief aan N.N. (1684)
A cura e con un saggio di Leen Spruit .Traduzione italiana con testo nederlandese a fronte.
Macerata, Quodlibet., 2004. Softcover. LXIV, 257 pp. New. EUR 25.--
~Bilingual edition: Original 17th century Dutch text with Italian translation on facing pages. Spinozana.

346. MEYER, LODEWIJK. - Philosophy as the interpreter of Holy Scripture (1666). Translated by Samuel Shirley. Introduction & Notes by Lee C. Rice & Francis Pastijn. ISBN 9780874626667.
Milwaukee, Wisconsin, Marquette University Press, 2005. Softcover. VI, 291 pp. EUR 40.--
~English translation of Philosophia S. Scripturae Interpres with notes. Based primarily upon the edition of 1674, which is a slightly corrected reprint of the edition of 1673. The editors had also access to the original edition of 1666 and the Dutch version of 1667.

347. [MORTEIRA, SAUL LEVI] - SALOMON, HERMAN PRINS. - Saul Levi Mortera en zijn "Traktaat betreffende de waarheid van de wet van Mozes", eigenhandig geschreven in de portugese taal te Amsterdam 1659-1660. Inleiding.
Braga, 1988. Orig. wraps. CXXXVIII, 23 plates and genealogical table. EUR 9.--
~n Dutch. Introduction to the dissertation. With bibliography. Morteira was probably a teacher of Spinoza. According to Salomon, Spinoza reacts in certain passages in his Tractatus Theologico-Politicus directly to Morteira's Tratado da Verdade.. (pp. CVII-CXIV).

348. MORTERA [MORTEIRA], SAUL LEVI - H.P. SALOMON. - Tratado da verdade da lei de Moisés. Escrito pelo su próprio punho em Portugues. Ediçao facsimilada, leitura di autografo (1659), introduçao e comentario por H.P. Salomon. (Acta universitatis Coimbrigensis) (Dissertation at the University of Nijmegen).
Coimbra, 1988. 4to. Orig. wraps. CXLVI, 1277 pp. and 23 plates and genealogical tables. Good copy. Heavy item, weighs over 3 kg. EUR 65.--
~Facsimile edition of the manuscript with transcription, introduction and commentary. Saul Levi Morteira (c. 1596 - 1660) was a Dutch rabbi of Portuguese descent. Morteira wrote in Spanish Tractado de la Verdad de la Ley (translated into Hebrew by Isaac Gomez de Gosa under the title Torat Moshch, in 66 chapters), apologetics of Judaism and attacks against Christianity. Judaica. Sephardic Jewish History.

349. [PEREYRA, ABRAHAM] - MÉCHOULAN, HENRY. - Hispanidad y Judaismo en tiempos de Espinoza. Estudio y edicion anotada de La Certeza del Camino de de Abraham Pereyra, Amsterdam 1666.
Salamanca, Ediciones Universidad de Salamanca, 1987. Orig. wraps.343 pp. Good copy. EUR 30.--
~In Spanish

350. [PEYRERE, ISAAC LA] - POPKIN, RICHARD H. - Isaac la Peyrère (1596-1676). His life, work and influence (Brill's studies in intellectual history 1). ISBN 9789004081574.
Leiden, Brill, 1987. Clothbound with dustjacket (sewn). Dustj. slightly discolored at the spine.X, 241 pp. Upper-edge slightly foxed. Else very good. EUR 120.--
~Lanugage: English. Peyrere was the author of Prae-Adamitae (Praeadamitae). Discussed are a.o. his biblical criticism and influence on contemporaries like Spinoza

351. PEYRERE, ISAAC LA. - Praeadamitae - I preadamiti (1655). A cura di Giuseppe Lucchesini e Pina Totaro.
Macerata, Quodlibet., 2004. Softcover. XL, 172 pp. New. EUR 20.--
~Bilingual edition: Original Latin with Italian translation on facing pages. Spinoza had a copy of this book in his library.

352. [VELTHUYSEN, LAMBERTUS VAN] - KLEVER, WIM. - Verba et sententiae Spinozae or Lambertus van Velthuysen (1622-1685) on Benedictus de Spinoza. ISBN 9030215011.
Amsterdam / Maarssen, APA, 1991. Softbound (sewn). 92 pp. and 1 plate. New. EUR 19.--
~In English. Lambert van Velthuysen (1622-1677), a progressive but still reformed Cartesianist, criticized the work of Spinoza, both in publications and in correspondence with Spinoza. Contains a short biography.

353. WACHTER, JOHANN GEORG. - Der Spinozismus im Jüdenthumb, Amsterdam 1699. (Facsimile reprint). Mit einer Einleitung herausgegeben von Winfried Schröder. (Freidenker der europäischen Aufklärung, Abteilung I. Texte. Band 1).
Stuttgart-Bad Cannstatt, Frommann-Holzboog, 1995. Clothbound. 410 pp. As new. EUR 135.--
~The theologian Johann Georg Wachter (1673-1757) [...] was the first to describe Spinoza as a mystic. His two works on Spinozism got Wachter into some difficulties, because the theses which they contained were suited for a defense of Spinoza. This is why Wachter later completely withdrew from the discussion concerning Spinoza. (Schmidt-Biggeman, Baruch de Spinoza 1677-1977. His Work and its reception no. 114 and 115)

354. WACHTER, JOHANN GEORG. - De primordiis Christiana religionis. Elucidarius cabalisticus. Origines juris naturalis. (Texte und Dokumente). Mit einer Einleitung hrsg. und kommentiert von Winfried Schröder. (Freidenker der europäischen Aufklärung Abteilung I. Texte. Band 2).
Stuttgart-Bad Cannstatt, Frommann-Holzboog, 1994. Clothbound. 391 pp. As new. EUR 100.--
~The documents are 1] Leben Johann George Wachters, aus seiner eignen Handschrift (1763). 2] Jakob Staalkopff (Praes.)/ Heinrich Ehlers (Resp.): De atheismo Benedicti de Spinoza [...] adversus V.C.Io. Georgium Wachterum (1707). 3] Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz: Réfutation inédite de Spinoza.

Reference works and sources

355. BAMBERGER, FRITZ. - Spinoza & Anti-Spinoza literature. The printed literature of spinozism 1665-1832. Edited by Laurel S. Wolfson and David J. Gilner.
Cincinnati, Hebrew Union College Press, 2003. Or. cloth. 296 pp. EUR 59.--
~Comprehensive bibliography with detailed, clear annotations. Contains also the article: `Early editions of Spinoza's Tractatus theologico-politicus. A bibliohistorical reexamination.'

356. BOUCHER, WAYNE I. - Spinoza in English. A bibliography from the Seventeenth Century to the present. ISBN 9789004094994.
Leiden, Brill, 1991. Orig. cloth. Dustjacket lacking. X, 226 pp. Very good condition. EUR 14.40

357. BUNGE, WIEP VAN and others (eds.). - The Bloomsbury Companion to Spinoza. 2011 Reprint.
London etc, Bloomsbury, 2014. Paperback. XVI, 380 pp. Very good copy. EUR 34.--
~Contains annotated chronology of Spinoza's life, bibliographies of his major influences and critics, a substantive dictionary of key Spinozan concepts, and summaries of Spinoza's principal writings. The work concludes with an essay on Spinoza's place in modern academic scholarship.

358. BUNGE, WIEP VAN and others (eds.). - The dictionary of seventeenth and eighteenth-century Dutch philosophers. Complete in 2 vols. ISBN.
Bristol, Thoemmes Press, 2003. Hardcover in box. 1116 pp. New. EUR 95.--

359. [EMMERING - DE GRAAF] - Spinoza (1632-1677). A joint catalogue of S. Emmering (Amsterdam) and De Graaf (Nieuwkoop).
1997. Orig. wraps. 37 pp. Good copy. EUR 22.--
~116 items

360. [EXHIBITION-CATALOGUE] - Baruch de Spinoza 1677-1977. Werk und Wirkung. Ausstelllungskataloge der Herzog August Bibliothek nr. 19. Ed. wich introduction by Wilhelm Schmidt-Biggemann.
Wolfenbüttel, 1977. 4to. Orig. wraps, minor wear. 115. Illustrated. Good copy. EUR 14.--

361. [EXHIBITION-CATALOGUE] - Baruch de Spinoza 1677-1977. His work and its reception (Catalogues of exhibitions at the Herzog August Bibliothek, Wolfenbüttel. No. 19) Edited with an introduction by Wilhelm Schmidt-Biggeman. English edition.
Baarn, 1977. Orig. wraps.117 pp. Richly illustrated. Good copy. EUR 24.--

362. [EXHIBITION-CATALOGUE] - Spinoza. Troisième centenaire de la mort du philosophe.
Paris, Institut Néerlandais, 1977. Orig. wrappers. 83 pp. Illustrated. Good used copy. EUR 16.--
~In French

363. [EXHIBITION-CATALOGUE] - Wie was Spinoza? Feit en fictie rond een zeventiende-eeuws denker. Herdenkingstentoonstelling Universiteitsbibliotheek van Amsterdam. 22 februari - 1 april 1977.
Amsterdam, 1977. Orig. wraps,. 141 pp. Illustr. A4 formaat (28.5x20 cm). Goed exemplaar. EUR 9.50
~Dutch Catalogue

364. GEBHARDT, CARL - MANFRED WALTHER (eds.). - Spinoza. Lebensbeschreibungen und Dokumente. Übertragen und herausgegeben von Carl Gebhardt. Vermehrte Neuausgabe. Mit erlauterungen herausgegeben von Manfred Walther 1998. Sämtliche Werke. Bd. 7. ISBN 9783787306992.
Hamburg, Verlag von Felix Meiner, 1998. Softcover. XV,329 pp. Good copy. EUR 17.--
~German language. Die Neuausgabe dieses Bandes, der die sechs überlieferten Lebensbeschreibungen Spinozas von Jelles, Lucas, Kortholt, Bayle, Colerus und Stolle-Hallmann enthält, erfaßt im gänzlich neu bearbeiteten Anhang alle zwischenzeitlich neu aufgefundenen Dokumente und Urkunden zu Leben und Werk Spinozas. Die beigegebene Bibliographie verzeichnet alle Veröffentlichungen zu Leben und Werk Spinozas.

365. [HERTZBERGER, MENNO] - Catalogue 179. Spinoza (1632-1677). From the library of Dr. R.H., Amsterdam.
Amsterdam, Internationaal Antiquariaat (Menno Herzberger), no date. Or. wraps. 23 pp. EUR 25.--
~328 entries

366. KEYSER, MARJA. - Glazemaker 1682-1982. Catalogus bij een tentoonstelling over de vertaler Jan Hendriksz Glazemaker in de Universiteitsbibliotheek van Amsterdam.
Amsterdam, 1982. Orig. wraps. XVIII, 86 pp. Very good copy. EUR 35.--
~In Dutch. Glazemaker translated more than 70 important Latin works into Dutch. Among them the TTP and the Opera Posthuma. Contains article by F. Akkerman: Glazemakers wijze van vertalen.

367. KINGMA, J. and A.K. OFFENBERG. - Bibliography of Spinoza's works up to 1800. Offprint from: Studia Rosenthaliana, Vol. XI, Nr. 1, 1977.
Assen, 1977. Orig. wraps. 32,[8] pp. EUR 35.--
~The bibliography is 32 pp. With 27 photographic plates.

368. LINDE, A. VAN DER. - Benedictus Spinoza. Bibliografie. The Hague 1871. Reprint.
Nieuwkoop, B. De Graaf, 1965. Orig brown cloth.VIII, 113 pp. Very good. EUR 20.--

369. LINDE, A. VAN DER. - Benedictus Spinoza. Bibliografie. The Hague 1871. Reprint.
Nieuwkoop, B. De Graaf, 1965. Orig cloth, some wear and staining. VIII, 113 pp. Ex-library-copy. Internally very good. EUR 10.--

370. OKO, ADOLPH S. (Compiler). - The Spinoza Bibliography. Published under the auspices of the Columbia University Libraries. (ADDED: Supplement by Jon Wetlesen).
Boston, 1964. Orig. cloth, library-label on spine. XXIV, 700 pp. Ex-library copy. Very good condition. EUR 100.--
~JON WETLESEN: A Spinoza Bibliography 1940-1970. 2nd revised edition, arranged as a supplementary volume to Oko's Spinoza Bibliography. Oslo, Universitetsforlaget 1971.Orig. wraps, ex-library

371. PRÉPOSIET, JEAN (Preposiet). - Bibliographie spinoziste.
Paris, 1973. Orig. wraps, foldingmarks and discoloring in spine. XI, 454, [6] pp. EUR 34.--

372. [SPINOZAHUIS - CATALOGUE] - Catalogus van de bibliotheek der Vereniging Het Spinozahuis te Rijnsburg.
Leiden, E.J. Brill, 1965. Or. wraps. 61 pp. and 4 plates. Some slight age-yellowing. EUR 14.--
~Catalogue of the library of Het Spinozahuis. Complemented version. Less detailed compared to the Catalogue of 1914. Introduction in Dutch and French

373. [SPINOZAHUIS] - [WINKEL, J. TE (ed.)]. - Catalogus van de boekerij der vereeniging "Het Spinozahuis". (Catalogue Library of Spinoza, The Hague 1914).
Large 4to. Orig. wraps. 89 pp. Good copy. EUR 30.--
~Catalogue of the library of Het Spinozahuis. Reconstructed library of Spinoza. Descriptions of the titles. The exact phrases from the inventory of Spinoza's inheritance are stated. Bibliography

374. VAZ DIAS, A.M and W.G. VAN DER TAK. - Spinoza. Merchant & Autodidact. Preface by G. van Suchtelen, secretary of the Society Het Spinozahuis. Biographical note by Dr. J. Meijer. Reprint from Studia Rosenthaliana, Vol. XVI, Number 2, 1982.
Assen, 1982. Orig. wraps. pp. 103-195. Very good copy. EUR 12.--
~English translation of the collection of documents relating to Spinoza's life, published in 1932, supplemented by 4 relating articles. This edition does not contain the facsimiles of the Dutch edition.

375. VAZ DIAS, A.M. - Spinoza. Mercator & Autodidactus. Oorkonden en andere authentieke documenten betreffende des wijsgeers jeugd en diens betrekkingen. Uitgegeven en toegelicht in overleg met W.G. van der Tak (Secretaris van "Het Spinozahuis"). Met 13 facsimile's.
The Hague, Martinus Nijhoff, 1932. 4to. Orig. wraps, spine slightly damaged on top. XII, 68 pp. Handmade paper. Minor bump lower corner. On the whole a very good copy. EUR 110.--
~Transcription of original 17th century documents, connected to Spinoza with 13 facsimile reproductions of these documents and Dutch annotations. With letter `Aan den lezer', loosely inserted as issued.

376. WALTHER, MANFRED. - Das Leben Spinozas. Eine Bibliographie. 9783932152009.
Hannover, 1996. Orig. wraps. 98 pp. New. EUR 9.--

377. [WOLF - CATALOGUE] - Spinoza (1632-1677). The library of the late professor Dr. A. Wolf, London. Menno Hertzberger. Internationaal antiquariaat, Amsterdam. Catalogue No. 150.
Amsterdam, [1950]. Orig. wraps, some slight foxing. 106 pp. And 4 plates. ADDED: Separate price-list. Slight traces of use. Good copy. EUR 37.--
~Sales catalogue of Wolf"s great Spinoza collection, covering work, life and influences. 1308 entries. This collection is presently in the library of the UCLA (University of California). Bibliography.

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